Category: Arts and Life

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Breaking down the Polaris hopefuls

Grimes – Visions Visions is the new record from 24 year-old Claire Boucher (aka Grimes), a native of Vancouver who went to school at McGill in Montreal, QC This is...

Dear Life: September 2, 2012

Dear Life is your opportunity to write a letter to your life, allowing you to vent your anger with life’s little frustrations in a completely public forum All submissions to...

Dear Life: Aug. 1

Thank you for creating the 50 Shades trilogy It has given women a reason to enjoy porn without being criticized Sincerely, I can’t wait to get laid Dear next-door...

Do we all secretly want two lovers?

In today’s most popular Hollywood films – especially the ones that cater to young, hormonal teenagers – the driving force that keeps these films going are simple: which side...

Arts bites

Trebek in heart Jeopardy!! Earlier this week, game show host and famous mustachioed Canadian Alex Trebek suffered a mild heart attack in his current hometown of Los Angeles The...