OccupyUW calls for university to take direct action


Photo of billboard featured at the Gaza House encampment.

Occupy University of Waterloo (OccupyUW) launched their encampment โ€œGaza Houseโ€ in front of the Graduate House building on campus to protest the University of Waterlooโ€™s complicity and involvement in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The encampment was first set up at 7 a.m. on May 13. This occupation follows a series of encampments and protests enacted by other universities across the United States, Canada and Europe. The encampment features a low fence, chairs, tents, speakers and Palestinian flags โ€“ it also has a variety of posters with messages such as โ€œEnd Israeli Apartheidโ€ and โ€œSilence is Complicity.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™re all getting really fed up with the complicity of our governments and institutions,โ€ said Nicholas Joseph, OccupyUWโ€™s media liaison. โ€œIt doesnโ€™t sit well in my conscience that Iโ€™m coming here to study at an academic institution and with my dollars, theyโ€™re being sent to bomb children and hospitals.โ€

Joseph shares the protestโ€™s three specific demands. He said the university must disclose all of their in- vestments, divest from companies directly contributing to the โ€œmost documented genocide of all timeโ€ and institute a formal academic boycott of these companies.

Joseph said the encampment is the studentsโ€™ final stand in a series of protests against the university. He said students reached out to the administration continuously over the past three terms, including through senate meetings, petitions, email campaigns, rallies and vigils.

Voices for Palestine, a student-run club on campus, hosted the largest protest in the universityโ€™s history in November with over 1,200 protesters in attendance.

โ€œThe universityโ€™s complicity is far reaching, and itโ€™s happened for a long time,โ€ said Joseph. โ€œWe canโ€™t wait any more for bureaucracy and we canโ€™t wait anymore for the universityโ€™s apathy and investment interests.โ€

We are not doing this in isolation, this is a global movement of encampments. Weโ€™re sick of complicity, and this demands urgency.

Nicholas Joseph, media liaison for OccupyUW

In an email to The Cord, Rebecca Elming, UWโ€™s director of media relations and issue management, said the university is committed to considering the issues regarding their investments.

โ€œWe have already begun to engage with the group who have established an encampment on Waterlooโ€™s main campus,โ€ said Elming. โ€œWe intend to remain in dialogue with the organizers of the protest to ensure that the encampment remains safe for everyone on the campus.โ€

On June 3, OccupyUW posted a message on their Instagram about meeting with the university administration.

โ€œLast week we met with the UW Admin and yet again they continue to show complete disregard to their complicity,โ€ said OccupyUW. โ€œOur message is clear: marginal concessions will not appease us.โ€

Elming said the university prioritizes the health and safety of the community and is focused on ensuring normal operations. She also said that cameras with clear signage were installed to ensure everybodyโ€™s safety.

On June 10, the university held a special senate meeting with more than 20 senate members made up of both faculty and students to discuss the encampmentโ€™s demands.

โ€œAs a result of our collective efforts, our first demand of disclosure has been fully met,โ€ said
a member of the encampment in a video posted to OccupyUWโ€™s Instagram. โ€œThe students of this encampment want commitments, not committees.โ€

On June 3, the university announced they have disclosed information about its investments and has already started work on two task forces to review their guidelines for future investments. On June 21, lawyers representing the university served members of the encampment a legal trespass notice.

โ€œYou have been asked verbally and in writing to leave the premises and have not complied with the request,โ€ reads the notice. โ€œThe University will pursue consequences under University policies, and/or agreements, and the law.โ€

Student populations across the world have resorted to on-campus encampments for several reasons, including how their universities are using student tuition towards funding interests in the Israel-Hamas war as well as their administrationโ€™s general disregard for other forms of student protests.

โ€œWe are not doing this in isolation, this is a global movement of encampments. Weโ€™re sick of complicity, and this demands urgency,โ€ said Joseph. โ€œItโ€™s time that we, as a community, stand up.โ€

On June 25, the university filed an injunction against the encampment, declaring $1.5 million in damages from a named list of seven students, Jane Doe, John Doe and โ€œpersons unknown.โ€

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