Letters to the Editor: September 12, 2012


Stand up and do the right thing

To Whom It May Concern,

Saturday night, Sept. 8,ย  my friends and I enjoyed the first Turret night of the year. We decided not to drive home so we parked my brand new, black, four-door car in the gold parking lot right in front of the DAWB, directly under the light.

We returned Sunday morning to pick it up and for no reason at all, your group of friends decided to severely key the hood of my car. Monday morning I took my car to a few different collision centres to get a quote. The entire hood of the car will have to be repainted and I am looking at a $1,200 expense.

My deductible is for $500 dollars so that will all come out of my pocket and because its comprehensive, my rates will not increase.

I filed a report with the WRPS and the Laurier Special Constables. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, you all were seen on two different cameras inside of the school and on the camera that was focused almost directly on my car in that parking lot.

Although I donโ€™t know who you are, there is no way that I can believe that after you reaccounted your night with your friends, you found humour in keying my vehicle and didnโ€™t find it to be gutless.

I will be the first person to admit that I like to have a lot of fun with my friends as well, but never, in any intoxicated state would I ever destroy or vandalize the property of somebody else.

I hope that you are willing to come to your senses and do the right thing. I am giving you two weeks for you and your friends to get my $500 deductible together and contact me.

If you decide to do the right thing, which would be manning and up righting a wrong, I wonโ€™t hold anything against you and wonโ€™t file charges.

Everybody makes mistakes and sometimes some mistakes are a lot more serious than others.

I donโ€™t want to have you arrested and charged, its not a good way to start out the year. We can both walk away from the incident amicably and get on with our lives.

Email me at dani8650@mylaurier.ca and we can make arrangements.

โ€“Ryan Daniels

Shinerama; a great success

Dear Editor,

On Saturday of last weekend, thousands of first year students dedicated themselves with diligence and enthusaism to the task of raising money for Shinerama in aid of Cystic Fibrosis.

I spotted a whole bunch of them on my way along Highland Road; some were dressed up, but all were animated.

I was touched to see so many of them out on the streets doing such a good deed, but not only because I am a professor of kinesiology here at Laurier, but because I have Cystic Fibrosis myself.

I wanted to extend a huge thank you to you all for your efforts. I have only just begun working here and am so thrilled that Laurier is the type of place where it seems students are engaged with wider issues and take steps to deal with them in such a positive way.

To live with Cystic Fibrosis means to live with having to take daily medications, do chest physio and inhale nebulised antibiotics. And I am one of the lucky ones, able to live a relatively โ€œnormalโ€ life, which includes playing sports, chasing after my one-year-old daughter and working as a full-time kinesiologist here at Laurier.

There are many others who arenโ€™t so lucky, however. The disease can be crippling, with an average life expectancy of around the mid-30s. But the good news is that Cystic Fibrosis Canada and other associations around the world are very close to finding a cure.

Some reports suggest that within five years, researchers could be trialing treatments that can cure CF. How amazing is that?!

Your hard work, and the money raised from all those KW residents, will help to make this dream a reality. Thank you immensely, from the bottom of my heart, for all of your efforts.

โ€“Rob Lake

Cord byelection coverage was not inclusive of all parties

Dear Editor,

Just wondering why The Cordโ€™s articles on the byelection made no mention of the six other candidates, who werenโ€™t from the four major parties.ย  This was a disservice to students.

And did you know that WLU security also asked candidates to leave when they attempted to give out leaflets on campus?

Somethingโ€™s wrong with our democracy, especially as it affects students.

โ€“Eleanor Grant

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