Editors note: Loyal coworkers

As with all workplaces, there are many ups and downs. No workplace is ever perfect. 

There are always the coworkers who you work well with, and there’s always some coworkers who are trickier to work with. 

Navigating working alongside coworkers during times of high stress can be particularly difficult. Especially when work is only one commitment in addition to school, extracurriculars, etc. 

My workplace, here at The Cord, is different than any other job I’ve had during my time as a student. 

The Cord isn’t your typical nine-to-five job. My staff and I know very well that working for this publication is a commitment on almost every day of the week. And because of this huge commitment, we often find ourselves spending large portions of our week together. 

Last week in specific, I came into our weekly production feeling particularly tired and unmotivated from a previous week filled with midterms and generally a busy schedule. 

But amidst the stress and exhaustion, the effort put into this job always pays off. 

Without fail, there are 17 people who work alongside me that make this job worth it. And last week was no exception.

It’s because of my coworkers that Tuesday nights are one of the most memorable and fun nights of my every week. 

My Cord staff and I have made 10 papers so far. With each paper we’ve made, I’ve gone home feeling so proud of all of our hard work. 

Each week, I see my staff improve and strive to do better. Their hard work shows when our issue hits the stands. 

Seeing our hard work on stands every Wednesday is one of the most exciting part of my every week. But I know that the feeling I get seeing our paper on stands come directly from the memories and fun that we have during production.

The people I share so much of my time with at The Cord have become my best friends in this short amount of time. And I’m so thankful to have all of them by my side.

 They make the stress of this job less stressful. And they make the most exciting and rewarding parts of this job so much more meaningful.

So here’s a little shoutout to all my staff — although you all despise my constant calls for more Dear Life’s and for someone to say something funny for quote of the week, you all should know that every Tuesday I go home so happy because I get to do the job that I love with my favourite people. 

My staff still stick around (and still say they like me) even when I play the Monster Mash on repeat on production nights. If that doesn’t scream loyal, then I don’t know what does.

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