Presidential Candidates

Pegah Jamalof
I am Pegah Jamalof, better known as PJ! I am a fourth-year student double majoring in Political Science and Sociology. I am running for your SU president. I have two primary objectives; implementing new mental health resources and furthering communication regarding available resources. Secondly, I understand how prevalent the environment is and that, unfortunately, our generation is burdened with the responsibility to ensure sustainable resolutions are formed for future generations. I recognize that the main job is to best advocate on behalf of the student’s interests. Therefore, a large portion of my platform explains my goals and how I will best advocate implementing them. Given my experience as both a member of the Board of Governors and the Senate, I have a unique advantage to represent students like no other president in recent years. For more information on my platform, check out my website:

Joseph Small
“The Laurier community is basically dead this year.”
I heard those words in November from my former Residence student, one of the most optimistic first-years I’ve known across my time at Laurier. Students across Waterloo and Brantford, regardless of association, echo this sentiment with righteous fury towards the Students’ Union.
Golden Hawks deserve better.
If the political climate of 2020 has demonstrated anything, it is that an experienced Joe at the helm may help a damaged community to settle the mood and seal the wounds.
I would like to be that Joe, for Laurier, in 2021.
Healing the Laurier Spirit demands adaptive planning and straight talk with students. Among other goals, my administration will:
- Revive former President Tarique Plummer’s monthly progress checklists and Diversity & Equity Initiative
- Redevelop a centralized online platform (effectively, the Perch) for clearer club/association marketing
- Reduce the WLUSU website’s clutter
- Revolutionize O-Week programming in preparation for post-lockdown
Directoral board candidates

Aidan McCarthy
I would like to start by providing a bit of background on myself. My name is Aidan McCarthy and I am a third year BBA student who is majoring in finance and minoring in economics and mathematics. While this does not sound like the makings of a political candidate I have always been passionate about making a difference in my community. Since coming to Laurier, I have been involved in numerous clubs at both WLU and UW in both membership and leadership positions. The highlights of my time at Laurier have been the friends and experiences I have been able to have in these extra-curricular activities. In my mind one there are two main roles of the Student Union. One is to provides tools for students to engage outside the classroom. The other is to represent the interests of our student body. When in discussions with the school administration staff or government officials it is crucial that your needs come first and are represented. If elected to this position I would like to champion for these two functions.

Andrew Dang
My name is Andrew Dang, and I am a fourth year BBA student seeking re-election to the WLU Students’ Union Board of Directors as Chair of the Board. Having served two terms on the Board and one year as an Undergraduate Senate I have a proven track record of my commitment to improve student lives. Through collaboration, proactive initiative, and direct engagement with my peers have I made this a reality. I digitately work to represent all students’ concerns and to clear all misinformation. It will be my sincere honour to serve as Chair to strive to bring Laurier back to the best in student satisfaction.

Brandon Vale
For results, engaged, and committed.
My name is Brandon Vale, and I am a third-year business student. I am seeking to represent undergraduate students on the Students’ Union Board of Directors and the Laurier Board of Governors. Through my leadership as a Student Senator on the Laurier Senate, I have proven my ability to work collaboratively with others to achieve results and engage with the undergraduate student body and administration to address student concerns. I believe in the importance of the overall student experience at Laurier, and it would be a privilege to represent my peers on the Students’ Union Board of Directors and the Laurier Board of Governors.

Ezra Ceniti
After successfully fulfilling the objectives of last year’s platform, I am looking to build on that success and continue to make the appropriate adjustments that the pandemic has forced us into. I am running for re-election for the Board of Directors to maximize the student experience, whether it be online or in-person, each day of my term.
My name is Ezra Ceniti, and I am prepared to improve during my second term on the Board. If re-elected, I will expand on the relationships that I have already established. As a result of the work that I do as a Board member, one thing that will not change is the fact that students will be the main beneficiaries of my actions. Just because the student experience is different, that does not mean my work ethic changes.
I am once again asking for your support during my campaign for re-election.

Francesco del Giudice
My name is Francesco Del Giudice; I am a third year political science student. During my time at Laurier, I have served as an executive team lead for Mock Court Cases, I have served as an executive, President and Vice President of the Wilfrid Laurier Conservatives, and I have gained experience as the VP of External Relations for the Laurier Pre-Law Society. In these positions, I have learned to communicate and lead in a strong and effective manner. In dealing with conflict, I have learned to negotiate effectively guiding discussions towards conflict resolution. On the Board of Directors, I will advocate for more transparency, more funding for Wellness Center services, and more accountability to all students. In addition I will ensure more opportunities and incentives to create and join campus clubs. I hope you can place your trust in me to be a strong voice for students in all decisions.

Gurgavin Chandhoke
What’s popping GOLDEN HAWKS!
I am Gurgavin Chandhoke, a first -year student running for the Student Union Board of Directors to enhance the university experience for everyone, involving the whole student community and attempt to further the sense of engagement and unity.
With many fresh ideas to get everyone involved, a strong passion for unity, I hope to bring about ideas that better the student experience for the Golden Hawks of today and tomorrow.
I will pursue three crucial goals:
- With the current pandemic, mental health and wellbeing during these unprecedented times will be my number one priority.
- Bring in more transparency in the functioning of the Student Body
- Inclusion – Encourage and ensure to include everyone, in the multi campus activities, events
and programs across campuses
If successfully elected , I will represent each and every single one of you and make sure your voice is heard.

Kianna Low-A-Chee
My name is Kianna Low-A-Chee, I am a third-year political science student running for a position on The Wilfrid Laurier Student Union Board of Directors. My platform is to make the undergraduate experience the best it can be for students on both the Waterloo and Brantford campuses. As a director, I will ensure transparency and communication to students in order to strengthen the relationship between students and the board. If elected I would use my position to create accountability from the president and CEO as the Laurier community adjusts to a rapidly changing world. My commitment is to you and providing a voice for students when decisions are made in order to ensure you get the most of your time at Laurier.
Let me be your voice at the table

Muna Mohamed
If elected to the Board of Directors, I plan to use my position to amplify the voices of students of colour, ensuring that their concerns are taken into account when decisions are made. As students experience incidents of racism and overall marginalization, it is crucial the Students’ Union offers support. As a member of the board, I plan to bridge the gap between Laurier students and the school services that help provide a safer environment. It is the responsibility of the Students’ Union to advocate for the needs of every student on all Laurier campuses, and I promise to use my position to uphold that obligation. As a student of Laurier and a person of colour, a greater knowledge of the services offered to marginalized students would have positively impacted my experience. Fortunately, our school does provide resources that create a safe environment, such as the Centre for Student Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and various other collectives. Greater accessibility and overall knowledge of what those programs have to offer can ensure that more students feel accepted within their school. I hope that on January 27th, I am one of the board of directors you chose to elect.

Shane Symington
My name is Shane Symington, and I am a third student enrolled in Honours Communication Studies. I’m running to be on the board because I want to represent those in the community who are otherwise uninvolved, and attempt to further the sense of engagement and unity within the community.
I came to Laurier for a strong education that will provide the foundation for my career. However, after spending five semesters here, I’ve found that what makes Laurier home to me and so many other students is the strong and enduring sense of camaraderie within the community.
As a board member for the Student’s Union, I would bring about a fresh point of view on how to get students involved through a strong passion for unity, and I would hope to bring about creative ideas that can bring students together while also effectively navigating through the difficulties that a virtual university experience facilitates.

Victoria Bothwell
Victoria Bothwell is a devoted fourth-year health sciences student and stands for integrity, fairness, and hard work. In her first year here at Laurier, she was committed to being a part of the student community by joining Foot Patrol and house council among others. Over the course of her 3 and a half years at Waterloo campus, she has built an impress portfolio and become the executive of hiring for foot patrol, the executive of social media for Laurier Cares about Health, participated in many intramurals and is the President and Founder of the Laurier Bowling Club. Victoria has given back to her fellow students by acting as an O-Week Ice Breaker for the last 3 years. Now is her time to further give back to her fellow students by letting their voices be heard through serving on the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors (Brantford)
Fiza Iqbal
Hello! My name is Fiza Iqbal and I am seeking to be elected for the position of a Director on behalf of Wilfrid Laurier Universities Students Union Board of Directors.
This position interested me because I am an individual who loves to get involved. In my first semester at Laurier, I have joined LOCUS House Council as President, switching over to Brantford Residence Council since I moved to residence as a Community Representative. In addition to my involvement in these councils I am a part of the Muslim Student Association as a general member, Bachelors of Social Work Student Association as a general member and on the Bachelors of Social Work Divisional Council as a Student Representative.
My vast experiences within Laurier have been motivated by my passion and drive to aid other students to love and fully enjoy their Laurier experience!
Mackenzie May
My name is Mackenzie May, and I am a third year Business Technology Management student seeking election to the WLU Student’s Union Board of Directors. Throughout my time at Laurier I’ve had the unique opportunity to be a student at both campuses, as I spent the first 2 years of my degree in the BBA program in Waterloo before transferring into the BTM program in Brantford. Having been a student at both campuses, I believe I am better able to understand and advocate for the needs of students at both of Laurier’s Waterloo and Brantford campuses.
If elected, I will focus on three key areas to improve:
- Improve communication of mental health resources available and advocate for quicker access to services.
- Provide students with better tools for offering feedback to the board of directors.
- Increase sense of community between campuses.
Naija Dubey
My name is Naija Dubey, I am a second-year Business Technology Management student and also currently the Vice President for BTMSA, running for the Board of directors position. I am not going to ask you to vote for me, matter in fact I doubt you made it this far into my platform, but if you have, maybe you are interested in what I have to say to make the university a better place. I want to use my platform to make the Brantford campus as involved as possible with the Waterloo campus. After successfully doing my job as the Vice president for my program, I want to expand and share ideas with the entirety of the students union. As a director, I want to make sure that the Brantford campus is included in all activities and gain the same respect as the waterloo campus.
Board of Governors candidates

Brandon Vale
For results, engaged, and committed.
My name is Brandon Vale, and I am a third-year business student. I am seeking to represent undergraduate students on the Students’ Union Board of Directors and the Laurier Board of Governors. Through my leadership as a Student Senator on the Laurier Senate, I have proven my ability to work collaboratively with others to achieve results and engage with the undergraduate student body and administration to address student concerns. I believe in the importance of the overall student experience at Laurier, and it would be a privilege to represent my peers on the Students’ Union Board of Directors and the Laurier Board of Governors.

Nasik Amanullah
My name is Nasik Amanullah – I am a fourth-year BBA student at Laurier’s Waterloo Campus, and
I am running for a position on the Board of Governors and Senate.
As an active member of the Laurier community, I have participated as a Residence Learning Community member, Residence Life Don, Prism Resources employee, and – most recently – a Laurier Club President. These experiences provide me with a holistic understanding of the struggles and concerns faced by students, throughout their academic career – it will be my duty, and a privilege, to advocate for the policies that will best enhance the Laurier experience for students of all programs, alike.
Should I be elected, I will focus my efforts on i) improving remote and in-person course delivery, ii) facilitating better support and communication between Laurier students and faculty, and iii) ensuring the responsible allocation of university funding, and opposing tuition increases, where reasonable.
Senate Candidates

Nasik Amanullah
My name is Nasik Amanullah – I am a fourth-year BBA student at Laurier’s Waterloo Campus, and
I am running for a position on the Board of Governors and Senate.
As an active member of the Laurier community, I have participated as a Residence Learning Community member, Residence Life Don, Prism Resources employee, and – most recently – a Laurier Club President. These experiences provide me with a holistic understanding of the struggles and concerns faced by students, throughout their academic career – it will be my duty, and a privilege, to advocate for the policies that will best enhance the Laurier experience for students of all programs, alike.
Should I be elected, I will focus my efforts on i) improving remote and in-person course delivery, ii) facilitating better support and communication between Laurier students and faculty, and iii) ensuring the responsible allocation of university funding, and opposing tuition increases, where reasonable.
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