Winter Carnival has a questionable purpose


Winter Carnival has been a tradition at Wilfrid Laurier University for the past 50 years.

The week-long event has attracted a significant amount of students and attention from the university: this year there are 21 teams participating, with between 20-40 members on each team.

The appeal of this week is the fun and ridiculous activities that take place and the emphasis on drinking.

For example, the scavenger hunt is filled with extreme demands. Last yearsโ€™ hunt had teams search for a tanning bed, which had to then be transported to campus.

This year, they must bring in a pony.

Donโ€™t be fooled, students really do follow through with these items.

Other events, such as the dress up pageant, required teams to dress up three members in outrageous and often extremely vulgar costumes, answer pointless questions and perform a โ€œtalentโ€ like โ€œcreating everything around youโ€ a la Adam and Eve.

Despite Winter Carnivalโ€™s popularity, its fundamental purpose on campus is questionable.
Shouldnโ€™t there be more focus on academics at Laurier as it is a post-secondary educational facility?

Students participating in the annual event often sacrifice their academics.

This can create stress for those who want to be involved, as students who choose to participate often feel pressure to attend as many events as they can in order to support their teams, regardless of their class schedule.

Events of this nature should be held outside of class time so that academics do not have to be sacrificed for social activities.

The 50-year anniversary provides the perfect opportunity for the university to examine the presence of Winter Carnival on campus and question what we stand for as a university.

Students should ask themselves whether a week built around heavy drinking, vulgarity and missed classes is something the Laurier community should so heavily pride itself on.

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