Understanding Poland


The timing and location of the Apr. 10 Polish air disaster that claimed the lives of all 96 people on board, including Polandโ€™s President Lech Kaczynski and a delegation of the countryโ€™s top government officials, is no less tragic than it is unmistakably ironic.

At the time of the crash, the Polish presidential jet was en route to a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre โ€“ a World War Two bloodbath in which 22,000 Polish officers and intellectual elite were slaughtered at the hands of Soviet forces. The plane crashed while trying to land at Russiaโ€™s Smolensk airbase โ€“ located less than 20 kilometres from the Katyn forest execution site.

On May 11, at the University of Waterlooโ€™s Student Life Centre, the UW Polish Studentsโ€™ Association, in conjunction with Wilfrid Laurier Universityโ€™s Polish Studentsโ€™ Association, hosted an event entitled โ€œUnderstanding Poland.โ€ The highlight of the event was a panel discussion featuring experts on Polish and Russian studies from UW and the University of Toronto who aimed to unpack how this most recent catastrophe single-handedly revived Polandโ€™s commonly-overlooked tragic national history.

According to panelist Lynne Taylor, a UW history professor, โ€œpopular culture has greatly simplified the story of World War Two and eliminated a lot of the complexities.โ€ Taylor explained that certain aspects of the North American Second World War narrative, including the rise of Nazi Germany, Hitlerโ€™s malice and the Holocaust, โ€œhave been privileged over others.โ€

Unarguably, this narrow focus has come โ€œat the expense of the rest of the story.โ€ As such, tales of Stalinโ€™s evil, massacres such as Katyn, the Gulags and the ills of Communism have been left out of textbooks.

University of Toronto professor and panelist Tamara Trojanowska explained the divide in the acknowledgment and recognition of the plight of Eastern Europeans during the Second World War by reiterating that โ€œhistory is always written by the victors and by whoever is stronger.โ€ In light of this, as Communist regimes continued to rule in Eastern Europe and Soviet Russia post-Second World War, โ€œThe officially written national histories had many blank pages.โ€

However, while North American Second World War history textbooks may omit a considerable amount of this material, they are not entirely to blame for the gap in understanding.
Interestingly, panelist John Jaworsky, a UW professor of political science, explained that even contemporarily, a โ€œdistortion in Russian history remainsโ€ as the Kremlin continues to refuse to open sealed archives detailing Soviet Russiaโ€™s most-controversial historical actions.

As Poles continue to grapple with their countryโ€™s most recent national tragedy, perhaps some solace can be found in that it has forced Polandโ€™s misfortune and historical adversity back into international conversation.

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