Mo’ sistas unite


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Kudos to the mustached men out there but it’s time to give a shout-out to all the women who are taking on such an active role in a month all about men’s health. Cue Women in Leadership Laurier.

Being a club comprised of all women at Wilfrid Laurier University, these empowering ladies aren’t rocking their own moustaches, but have devoted an entire campaign around Movember and set up a donation jar on campus to raise money for men’s health.

Jocelyn Au, marketing vice-president of WILL, commented on the purpose of their campaign.

“It’s not just about prostate cancer, it’s about men’s health and mental health awareness in general. We want to reiterate this forum for people to openly talk about men’s health.”

According to Au, WILL is trying to move away from their stereotypical view of being a feminist group.

“We want to support the entire Laurier community and one way in doing that is through the Movember campaign.”

She continued that WILL’s role in Movember is to let the men at Laurier know that it is okay to talk about their issues.

“I find that a lot of male individuals don’t openly discuss their problems in terms of health and mental awareness and they may not realize that it is a problem. We realize it should be openly discussed and should be something to be improved and worked on,” Au said.

With over four million moustaches being grown worldwide throughout the month of November it is clear that Movember has far reaching spread beyond that of just Laurier.

Movember is a global campaign that has so far raised an impressive $559 million to date.

WILL is a club, like many others at Laurier, who are showing the importance of what Movember is really about. It’s not a month to showcase who can grow the best moustache, or who can be the most creative at doing so. It’s all about raising both money and awareness to men’s mental and physical health.

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