Lest we forget
Dear Editor,
Each November our community and our country take a moment to reflect on the travesties of war and the cost of freedom. Together, we share stories of historical battles and attempt to comprehend the magnitude of lives lost. This solemn yearly ritual provides an opportunity to pass on critical lessons to a new generation in an endeavour to learn from our mistakes. Amidst the themes of patriotism and the worthy words of thanks to our veterans and military personnel, there is also an important lesson about fulfilling our democratic responsibilities. As we receive the torch from failing hands, we are reminded of our duty to be vigilant, engaged and noisy citizens. On this day, we remember the consequences of apathy. We remember the dangers of ignorance. We remember the costs of hatred.
If there is any hope for peace, if there is any chance of prosperity and if liberty for all is ever to become a reality, then we must not fail. As proud and free Canadians, we must be critical of the decisions of our government. We must voice our concerns to our elected officials. We must vote. We must do these things and exercise our democratic responsibilities, as the risks of failure are far too great. We must never forget.
โKory Preston
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