Dear Life: November 21, 2012


Dear ‘Iโ€™m a little bipolar about these issues’,

Iโ€™ll tell you why everyone is so pissed off. Its because weโ€™re tired of WLUSU volunteers and members feeling the need to broadcast how fucking great they are. We get it. You volunteer and have made a group of friends. You get your one week to be โ€specialโ€ then you move the fuck on. There are so many students at this school who do other co-curricular activities (or not) that do just as much as you. They receive complimentsโ€ฆbut guess whatโ€ฆits not done through fb because we dont need to show the facebook world how important we think we are.


Itโ€™s called being HUMBLE, you guys should try it sometime.


Dear Life,

I’m starting to fashion an idea in my head, where I would impress you, with every single word I said. Would come out insightful or brave or smooth or charming, and you’d wanna call me. And I would be there every time you’d need me. I’d be there every time. But for now I’ll look so longingly, waiting ….

For you to want me, for you to need me.


For you to notice me


Dear Life,

I know that heโ€™s a good guy but donโ€™t you dare say that heโ€™s gonna marry someone in that picture. You might think that itโ€™s a joke to talk about them getting married, but itโ€™s not to me and him.


Iโ€™m his gf and he already proposed to me, so piss off!!


Dear Life,

Youโ€™re not going to change anyoneโ€™s mind by having a week(s)-long dispute in Dear Life, youโ€™re just going to get more people pissed at you.


Stop beating the dead horse


Dear ‘Iโ€™m a bit bipolar about these issues’,

Really? Well,ย  how come those being complimented on the “WLU Compliment Page” are icebreakers, WLUSU exec, club coordinators, Dub-C team members, O-Week staff or just dumb ass first years?


Hate to burst your “bubble”


Dear Life,

Why is it that no one understands how to share a sidewalk in this city? Everyone walks in groups and no one makes room for others to walk past.


Iโ€™d love to walk into traffic for you


Dear Life,

Sometimes I think I can do this, sometimes I think that Iโ€™m going to be kicked out of university by next year. Iโ€™m still not used to this dramatic change! Whatโ€™s wrong with me?ย  ๐Ÿ™


Terrified first year


Dear Life,

Where is all the love in this world?

After listening to Bob Marleyโ€™s daughter speak, society needs to begin to just love one another as brothers and sisters. As cheesy as it may sound we are all in this crazy world together. A little love, whether its a smile, holding a door for someone or just being respectful to one another, can and will go a long way. Letโ€™s bring back the positivity and love for one another that I can see lacking in every straight-faced, headphone in-ear, single-minded student.


Losing hope in humanity


Dear Life,

Why, why, WHY Laurier students do you insist on talking in the library? It is the only quiet study space on campus. Is it really that difficult to take your conversations outside? Really? And yes, I mean you, girl in the cubicle in front of me on the sixth floor, talking on the PHONE. Don’t you realize it’s quiet in here? If I can hear your phone conversation clearly over my headphones, that’s a fucking problem.


Please shut up, I just want to pass my last midterm


Dear a REAL female scientist at Laurier,

I feel like you may have some misconceptions about the event that took place in the atrium. For one we had over 130 people showed up, some including staff from PI, IQC and other local/distance universities. We also had Melissa Franklin, who was the first female Physics Prof to get tenured at Harvard University! She truly is a female scientist.


Women in Science Center


Dear Life,

Moโ€™ moโ€™s, moโ€™ hoโ€™s


Free mustache rides


Dear Life,

Please read the following out loud in a crowded areaย  I-M-A-P nis. That is all.


Not a P nis


Dear Life,

What happened to the good ol’ days when the Dear Life section was just about reading hilarious antics that made you laugh like a drunken hot mess that wanders into the Pizza Pizza kitchen on university, looking for the bathroom? When did it become the comment section of Rebecca Black’s “Friday” video on YouTube where people troll with their comments.


Drunken hot mess


Dear person who asked a random girl on the street,

Turns out I was wrong. The saint you were looking for is Saint Anthony, not Saint Andrew. My bad.


The random girl on the street


Dear Life,

Pushing the elevator button multiple times will not make it go faster


Third floor, going down


Dear Life,

Campus clubs are a means of getting involved in the Laurier community. Yes, it is an opportunity to meet new people– but not a means of getting laid. So, please stop flirting with others during our club time and get the work done that you’re supposed to.


Keep your legs shut


Dear Laurier,

The end of the world isnโ€™t until December 21, 2012. So, why does our campus look like a disaster?


Stop wasting my tuition money


Dear Life,

Itโ€™s never too cold for popsicles.




Dear Life,

I feel really alone. Iโ€™m sad and stressed. Itโ€™s been really difficult, and I wish things would get better.


Stressed and depressed


Dear Life,

I love that Laurierโ€™s copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets looks like it was flushed down the toilet in the prefectsโ€™ bathroom.


Off to the room of requirement


Dear Life,

Maybe we should have a bake sale in the concourse to improve the Wifi in the concourse.


Connecting โ€ฆ.


Dear Life,

I am so tired of hearing about how WLUSU is so cliquey. If you care about it enough to write something, then get the fuck out of the hole youโ€™re living in and make some new friends. The people in WLUSU decided to get involved, and you decided to come to a small school so clearly the people who see each other every day are going to become friends and do stuff. If you want friends, make them โ€“ donโ€™t be a bitch and complain because you decided to stay home instead.


I am not a part of WLUSU. I just like friends


Dear OCAs:

Seriously, why do you have to be off limits? P.S. Iโ€™m a LOCUS student ๐Ÿ˜‰


Counting the days โ€ฆ.


Dear Giggle Monster,

You think you can pull a fast one on us? WRONG. We found the iPod โ€ฆ.


Until Thursday


Dear people in my astronomy class,

Why are you in class if you are just going to laugh obnoxiously while watching YouTube videos. Yes, the three girls who sit near the back. You are being rude and I canโ€™t concentrate. If I knew I wouldnโ€™t be able to learn anything when I came to class, I wouldnโ€™t have come. You shouldnโ€™t have either.


I hate you


Dear Dallas asshole,

Thanks for dropping your beer from the second floor. Not only am I fortunate enough to have been half soaked with beer, but the $20 doctors note, $10 hospital parking and the hours waiting to see a doctor really was a cherry on top.


Glass in the hand is not as fun as it sounds


Dear Life,

When will they fix the water filling stations? Theyโ€™ve been โ€™out of orderโ€™ for a while.


Forever thirsty

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