Category: Features


Unwelcome guests

When did periods of heightened social interaction like Orientation Week and homecoming evolve from times of celebration into times of tension and disapproval Surely I am not the...

“It feels like fraud…”

If the Laurier community demands a lavish ball, like Charity Ball executives claim, then last year they received their wish at the expense of the committee’s final charitable...

Nine years. No degree. No problem.

2000-01 (First) first year: Asif and the all-girl residences “Do you mean my first first year or my second first year” Asif asks when I dive into the topic of his first year...

Laurier’s most balanced student

Monday 7:30 am - Wake up This might seem like an awful start to the week, but studies consistently show that successful people wake up earlier than the less successful variety...

Made in Romania

For centuries, Romania was home to a collection of self-sufficient and successful rural communities The country was a picturesque homestead akin to the likes of any agricultural...

The lifestyle of leaders

A student’s abrupt transition into the chaos of residence has the ability to shock, frustrate and upset even the most adaptable individual But one upper-year Laurier student...

Talking grades with WLU profs

1 Do the readings and do them at the right time This may seem like common sense, I know But according to English professor Michele Kramer and professor emeritus of psychology Don...

Smuggling to survive

Victoria Isadrru, now a middle-aged woman with five children, was born in the “Pearl of Africa:” Arua District, Uganda Vicky witnessed Uganda’s most recent war firsthand as...

Travel advisory

Examining how many students abroad are underprepared for the hardships of overseas volunteering and how Laurier’s global studies department is working to change this hazardous...

The evolution of Laurier O-Week

There are considerable differences in the Orientation Week experience as you journey through your years at Laurier O-Week tends to be one of the best times of the year, regardless...