Best volunteer stories of 2019-20 – Arts and Life


(Un)conventional alternatives for Valentineโ€™s Dayย by Jackson Carse

In this satirical article, staff writer Jackson Carse addresses the age-old question โ€” โ€œwhat do single people do on Valentineโ€™s day?โ€ This story outlines four of the best ways to keep yourself occupied when youโ€™re single during this romance-driven holiday, and luckily, a lot of these alternatives will also work during social isolation. Except maybe โ€œmassive porn-binge with the boysโ€ โ€” you definitely shouldnโ€™t do that during a global health pandemic.

Rocketman launches into theatresย by Sarah Caley

Rocketman is a biopic of Elton Johnโ€™s rise to fame, which received positive critical reception upon its release in May 2019. In this article, staff writer Sarah Caley broke down the movie with a refined review of the plot. If youโ€™ve never listened to an Elton John song, much less watched the movie, youโ€™re likely to feel much more inclined to do so after reading this well-rounded review.ย 

Movies that are so bad, theyโ€™re good by Amichai Abraham

Everyone knows the feeling of watching something cringe-worthy take place, yet not being able to look away. Sometimes this phenomenon happens during movies, too. Staff writer Amichai Abraham writes about three movies that are so hilariously bad that they become good, in this article. Luckily, all of these movies can be found online for free so that you donโ€™t have to waste your money, or time, if the second-hand embarrassment becomes too unbearable.ย 

The repercussions of racism and the coronavirus by Katelyn Tufford

Staff writer Katelyn Tufford explores the hysteria and racism that spread as quickly as the virus did in this article. Featuring input from a risk communications professor at Laurier, this article delves into the unprecedented reactions that oftentimes becomes part and parcel with viral infections. The best advice is to wash your hands often, and dismantle harmful discourses.

The cold, hard truth: is Sweet Jesus worth the hype? by Eliza Moratz

In this article, The Cordโ€™s in-house ice cream expert and staff writer Eliza Moratz gave a review of Sweet Jesus, one of Waterlooโ€™s newest ice cream shops. While considering each coneโ€™s aesthetic appeal and abundance of toppings, she investigates whether the ice cream truly lives up to the hype or not. To find out if this ice cream is worth the price, check out her article.ย 


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Serving the Waterloo campus, The Cord seeks to provide students with relevant, up to date stories. Weโ€™re always interested in having more volunteer writers, photographers and graphic designers.