Presidential candidate

Dani Saad
In the past year, I have built relationships with people I work with at The Cord and in other departments. As an editor, I have learned how hard volunteers work to produce quality work and how much support is valued from the President position.
There needs to be improved communication between the executive and departments in addition to a broader understanding of organizational goals. There also needs to be more thorough training for board members and improved communication between the board and departments, particularly surrounding issues with operational impact.
Through past positions and I have attained excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which will be highly valued in this setting. I have experience in policy development work and am comfortable establishing and working towards long-term organizational goals. I have experience in corporate fundraising and event planning, which are typically undervalued skills. We need to come up with alternative revenue sources to reduce dependence on non-renewable grants and other discretionary funding.
I can relate to those going through the volunteer experience next year. As someone who walked into an Editor position I have a firm grasp of the learning curve and the value of effective volunteer training.
Financial prudence and sustainability are crucial, but there needs to be a balance between financially motivated decision making and the preservation of culture and quality. Financial sustainability should not come at the cost of lower production standards or a diminished volunteer experience. The good news is that with the right leadership, it doesn’t have to.
Board candidates:
Taylor Berzins

As a Laurier student, I began my studies in Waterloo, and am finishing them in Brantford. The transition has allowed me to see the integral role WLUSP plays in student life across campuses. I’ve been involved in Laurier’s media scene as a volunteer, writing for The Sputnik. If elected to the Board of Directors, it would be my objective to strive for growth and to keep WLUSP relevant within the constantly evolving landscape of student media. I will work continue the production of innovative, quality, student-driven publications. Each campus has a voice, and it is vital to ensure that each campus continues to have the tools and resources to make that voice heard. WLUSP plays an invaluable role at Laurier, and it’s important to ensure well informed, connected and representational content is produced. I look forward to the prospect of representing Laurier’s students on the Board of Directors.

Shelby Blackley (acclaimed)
Since May, I’ve experienced the highs and lows of this organization and what it takes to make every volunteer experience run smoothly as a currently member on the board of directors. While at times it has been challenging, my experience dealing with the hardships surrounding this year will help me if I am elected for another term. WLUSP has, in all senses of the phrase, become my second home, and I would love for nothing more than to help steer the direction of the organization for 2014-15 and beyond. With a returning board member elected, I can help with a smooth transitional period so the board can help WLUSP continue its invaluable contribution to students. I hope to continue to help mold the face of Student Publications for the future, and I will focus on being able to provide consistency while helping mend the issues WLUSP tries feverishly to eliminate.

Emily Crump
I would like to express my intent to run for the Board of Directors in the upcoming WLUSP elections. I have been working for Radio Laurier as a member of the street team and as a host on the morning show and hope to expand my contributions via The Cord next year. I will bring board experience, energy and a fresh perspective to the board.
As a three-term high school president and liaison to an economic development corporation and several committee boards, I have developed project management and team building skills. I intend to use these skills to build more partnerships and encourage between all WLUSP programs. Although my time here has been short, I have already met and learned from many talented volunteers who have a variety of skills and knowledge to share. Through this position I intend to meet and learn from more volunteers and help others do the same in order to strengthen and grow our current pool of volunteers and programs and ensure a strong WLUSP.
Abdiasis Issa (acclaimed)

For the past six years I have had both the pleasure and honour of being a community leader and youth advocate in Toronto. For several years I have lead and oversaw numerous youth initiatives, committees, and organizations. I was elected the past president of the Etobicoke-High Park Youth Council in partnership with Toronto Community Housing Corporation. I also served as a youth liaison on several committees and groups while creating and maintaining lasting partnerships with public organizations and agencies such as the Toronto Police Service, Toronto Community Housing, and Government of Ontario. If elected on the board I would use my past experience and knowledge as a youth leader and combine it with my thoughts and perspectives as a new student to Wilfrid Laurier University. I will use my experience to assist the President and other directors on how to create a holistic and robust strategic plan on how to move WLUSP forward and reach its full potential.
Neha Soni

As the social media manager of WLUSP on the Laurier Brantford campus, my focus has been to strategize and curate our publications to the student community through various platforms. In a digital age, it is vital to maximize coverage as media saturation becomes more pervasive – a challenge I firmly take on. In addition, I am a strong advocate of strengthening the bond between Laurier Brantford and our sister campus in Waterloo. We are two distinct campuses – but we are one institution and WLUSP, as we say, is our voice. As a prospective board director, it would be under my jurisdiction to ensure that WLUSP on both campuses serves the student interest with transparency; exemplifies diverse campus representation, nondiscriminatory, and quality work. Methodical and proactive by nature, I will work relentlessly to propel WLUSP forward while keeping a tenacious grip on core values, secure policies, the digitization of our media, and equity in our community.
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