What will you be for Halloween this year?

That’s right, Halloween is right around the corner.  

Here are some ideas to get you and your friends into the Halloween spirit.  

Don’t be too shocked if on Oct. 31 Waterloo gets turned into Barbie land.  

There are so many different outfits for Barbie and Ken dolls alike. 

There’s a unique outfit for everyone that’ll set them apart from the rest of the Barbie dolls.  

The Barbie movie has found acclaim since its release in July, and it seems that inspired costumes might win the “most worn” category this year. 

Might as well try out one of these costumes if you’ve been considering it.  

Almost every student I interviewed on campus about costumes for this year, said they planned on dressing as some variation of the Barbie characters they’ve seen. 

Both in the new movie, as well as the dolls they played with.  

Most female students I interviewed answered  

“the Barbie in the gingham dress” or “stereotypical Barbie.”  

However, not all Barbies for Halloween want to be the stereotypical one in the pretty pink dress.  

Some opted for a different take on the Barbie costume. 

One female student answered the question with the following: 

“I’m going to be weird Barbie, I’m going to buy a wig and cut it at random. It’s going to be awesome.” 

Photo by Andreas Patsiaouros

Most of these Halloween costume trends seem to stem from the movies that blew up within the last year.  

Although it may be hard to paint yourself all kinds of shades of blue this year, don’t forget how Avatar: The Way of Water took over the big screens last December.  

This costume could be great as a group costume, a couples costume, or for riding solo.  

You may look funny if you stand in the middle of a heard of Barbies, but everyone will know who you are, no doubt about that. 

Another movie related group costume this year that could have you and your friends laughing is from the Mario Bros Movie.  

Don’t be surprised if you see Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Peach roaming the streets together for Halloween.  

If you wanted to opt for something less scary and sillier, this one would definitely do the trick. 

After interviewing some students about what they were thinking of being on Halloween, one male student said,  

“Me and my friends are all going to be variations of Mario and Luigi. There’s going to be a lot of people running around in moustaches that night.” 

A classic choice for Halloween costumes is always vampires, zombies, witches or ghosts. If that’s what you feel like doing, go for it.  

There is no right or wrong costume for Halloween night. 

If you choose to go with a classic outfit this year, you might not be matching with as many people as you’d think due to the Barbie explosion of pink. Remember, dressing up and going out for Halloween is supposed to be fun.  

If you find yourself stressing too much about what to wear, you aren’t doing Halloween right. 

Be creative, thrifty and come up with something original. 

Your Instagram page will thank you. 

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