Trump for President in 2012?

We just really want to hear “the Donald” say “you’re fired!” to Obama

Trump has been awfully ambiguous about his intentions to run for presidency. He made an appearance on Fox News where he explained that his thoughts about candidacy are serious because he can’t stand to see what is happening to the United States. Yet he then went on to say that, “I’ve been asked for years to do it. And I had no interest. This is the first time I am – at least I’m considering it.” OK big guy, so can we expect to see you face off against Sarah Palin or not?

It seems Trump is an all around indecisive individual; a characteristic exemplified through his ideological flip flopping in the past. He was a registered Republican from 1987 to 1999 and then switched to the Independence Party until 2001, when he became a Democrat. Since 2009, he has been a registered Republican.

Some would call it a philosophical journey, but in Trump’s case he has been very public about his ever-changing ideological stance. In the past he’s identified as pro-choice, supported universal healthcare and once called for a one-time levy of 14.25 per cent on fortunes exceeding US$10 million. More recently, Trump has voiced a pro-life stance, promises to end the universal healthcare law and proposes a 25 per cent tax on Chinese imports. His wishy-washy platform does not sit well with voters.

A Fox News Poll randomly surveyed 911 registered Republican voters, where just 23 per cent said that Trump would make a good president. His approval rating is not any better when put up against some of the more well-known candidates such as Huckabee and Palin – about three of four voters said Trump would not make a good president.

Public opinion aside, there is no question that it would be one for the books if “the Donald” and his comb over mounted a run for the White House. Trump declared that if he’s put up against Sarah Palin for the Republican candidacy he would “take her on.” Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is the kind of attitude every presidential candidate should have. Granted, though Trump possesses the right outlook on politics, it doesn’t mean that he is fit to run for president – at least until he makes it clear which party he aligns with.

Yet, Trump’s attitude this early in the race, makes it all too tempting to picture how he, as President, would deal with individuals that he doesn’t see eye to eye with. It would likely occur something like the following [and slightly reminiscent of elimination on an episode of ‘The Apprentice’]:


Trump: “Barack. I like you, but you weren’t a great leader. Your presidential campaign of “Hope” got people dancing in the streets, but all it brought was false hope. Americans are still unemployed. We have no money for universal healthcare. What were you thinking? You’re fired!


Trump: “Sarah, if there’s one thing I don’t like it’s liars. I don’t like lazy people and I don’t like liars. We’re not allied with North Korea, so stop telling that to Americans. And there’s no way you can see Russia from your window. You’re a liar and you’re fired!”

Hu Jintao

Trump: “Listen Hu, I’m not a fan of your country’s cheap exports. You’re not playing fair. I’m imposing a 25 per cent tariff on your goods. You know why? Because I need to generate jobs in America. Your cheap exports are hurting Americans. You are hurting Americans. And, you’re fired!”

I could go on, but this paints a clear enough picture of the balls that Trump could give America if elected president. As much as his impressive resume, huge net worth and a striking comb over set him above the competition, Americans have not forgotten his ideological indecisiveness in the past. While at the end of the day, “the Donald” may sincerely be in it for Americans, it will take much more work on his part to win over voters.