Nov. 25, 2009

“We are dealt the cards we are dealt by the government as far as how we’re funded as an institution.”
–Vice-president academic Deb McLatchy responding to the many critiques about increased class sizes

“It’s been a bit shocking to see that we’re doing so well.”
–Assistant-vice president of finance Naz Abdulla, regarding WLUSU revenues being $96,000 ahead of budget

“There’s a conscious line that I’m a professor and I have a life elsewhere and a life with my students. But my life with my students is solely work.”
–Laurier professor Peter Kuling, speaking about separating his academic and personal life. Kuling plays Professor Kuling on BITE TV’s show Recessionomics

“I could get a pinata for $500 with my face and name on it.”
–Director Sunny Chan, speaking to the full-reimbursement policy passed by the board, if their were no stipulations on it

“It was very difficult to be put up on this pedestal of what I call the crown jewel of the federal penitentiary system.”
–Margaret Trudeau on living with all the boundaries that being a prime minister’s wife entailed