Making the most of fourth year

Like many others, the majority of my university career was spent in bed on Zoom calls – while no one could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to feel resentful of not being able to have the proper “university experience.”  

Going into my final full year of university, I refuse to let thoughts of what could have been get in my way.  

Can’t change the past, right? 

It is in our hands to make our remaining time at university memorable – I plan to do the best that I can by being an active member of  “university culture.”  

This will look different for everyone. For some, it may be joining a sorority or taking the time to go to more club events. For others, it may be getting involved with student initiatives. Whatever it may be – these are opportunities that will create lifetime memories. 

Of course, there are large yearly events that any WLU student must attend at least once – such as homecoming. This year, homecoming will take place in Waterloo from Sept. 22 to 25th and Oct. 22nd for those on the Brantford campus.  

As someone who isn’t a hardcore fan of football, I had chosen to skip homecoming in my first year due to lack of interest (sorry). However, as a near-graduate, I feel that I should try one game out (especially as someone who’s never been to a football game in the first place!) 

However, there is no way to truly encapsulate the university experience. The so-called “university experience” is unique – after all, this is the time to try new things. While I don’t regret my university experience thus far, sometimes I do wonder about the opportunities I may have been able to experience had the COVID-19 pandemic not happened.  

It is important to remind yourself that this line of thinking isn’t productive. While you may have missed out on the physical experience of going to Laurier, you are one of a select group of people that has the “I attended university during a worldwide pandemic” card to play. In addition, technological development has allowed us to continue our studies – just in an online format. While not ideal, we should feel grateful for not having to put a pause on our degrees.  

While not without challenges, learning in an online format allowed each of us to address where we might have needed more focus in our chosen area of study. As a film student, prior to the pandemic, I had been lost on where in particular I wanted to utilize my degree. Thanks to the switch to an online format, I rediscovered The Cord and got involved – years later, it is the best decision I have made since starting at Laurier.  

It isn’t too late for your own “life-altering” moment at university – even in your final year, the course of how you view your program can change.  

That is, overall, the way you can make the most out of your final year – coming away from Laurier with a deeper sense of self and inner purpose.  

Stay Golden, Golden Hawks. I, for one, am rooting for you.  

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