Letters to the Editor

LMT review inaccurate
Re: “Terrifically trashy” January 24
I am a musical performer. By the time this issue is published, I will have performed musically — this means you’re about to tell me to “get off my high horse” like you did several other music students and the Dean.

Our aim was never to bash LMT or The Cord, but to correct an insulting mistake The Cord made for the second consecutive year.

We rightfully expected apologies, but received quite the opposite.

Why be so sensitive? It implies that our music program, one of the best in Canada, doesn’t exist.

I’ve known about our music program and have attended music faculty concerts since grade nine.

I worked hard over the years to be accepted into this program and maintain a high GPA so I can stay in it.

It’s everything I imagined except that I belong to a faculty that is unappreciated by the Laurier community.

If you’re interested in our concerts but cannot find our advertising, allow me.

Walk through the music building doors like you do every day. Look on the left for a display case containing a list of this year’s concerts.

If the print’s too small, go back to the sidewalk and turn left. There’s an electronic sign listing our upcoming concerts.

Most are free for Laurier students and everyone is welcome.

Also, we do get out of the practice rooms. Last year, an ensemble played in the Concourse.

The reaction was, to quote a student I passed, “Go back to the music building.”

–Ilia Sumner

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