Alternative tips for fun on St. Paddy’s Day that don’t involve drinking


Photo by Eva Ou

St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone, which meant that it was time to dress up in every green piece of clothing you owned, suddenly become very vocal about your two per cent Irish ancestry and, most importantly, drink from dusk till dawn.

It’s no surprise that Laurier students have made this event a staple of party culture, filling out Ezra for one legendary day each year.

But for students looking to stay sober, St. Patrick’s Day is a nightmare, involving endless pressure and temptation from their party-going friends.

As a sober student myself, I have experienced feelings of embarrassment and isolation at this time of year, thinking that my only option was to lock myself up in my apartment.

But why waste your weekend? No matter what your reason for abstaining from alcohol, here are four ways to have a fun (and sober) St. Patty’s.

1.Spend some quality time with family

Last year, I skipped the partying and instead spent the weekend with my parents. Instead of feeling uncomfortable and pressured on St. Patrick’s Day, I felt refreshed and optimistic, and it was awesome to be in the company of my loved ones.

Hang out in your hometown, go for a hike, have a board game night or anything else that feels special and fun for you and your fam.

2.Check out a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern restaurant

Don’t fear restaurants on St. Patrick’s Day! Many Mediterranean and Middle Eastern restaurants, like Mashawi (right across the street from Conestoga Mall) offer a delicious dinner menu minus alcohol, so you can have a fun date night out without the added pressure of St. Patty’s Day drinking.

3.Have an alcohol-free party

You don’t have to feel left out on St. Patrick’s Day. Get all decked out in green, invite some friends, and host some fun, alcohol-free activities.

You can bake those shamrock cupcakes you’ve been seeing everywhere on Pinterest, make your own green beverages and have a mini photoshoot for Instagram. You can still show your St. Patty’s spirit without compromising your values.

4.Have a self-care day

Everybody you know is going to be out partying? No problem.

That just means that you can finally have a day that’s all about you without anybody interrupting.

Turn your phone off to avoid having to deal with any drunk calls and take some time to do the things you love.

This can involve a spa day, a Netflix marathon, curling up with a good book, or anything else that makes you feel good and helps you reflect on your mental and

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