Dear Life: Nov. 2, 2011


Dear Life,

Iโ€™m a BBA student and most of my friends are arts, science and music majors.


Weโ€™re Not All Douchebags

Dear Life,

Arts is not a major.


History student preparing for law school

Dear Life,

To the people who keep bashing other majors, grow up! How about instead of making fun of other people you focus on making yourself a half decent person who has some respect for others.


I thought Laurier was a community

Dear Life,

I canโ€™t stand it when I tell people about all the teams/clubs Iโ€™ve joined and they say, โ€œI wish I had time for things like that.โ€ I want you to know that I do not have more disposable time than you. My program is very demanding, just like yours.


Face it, I manage my time better than you.

Dear Life,

To all students of Laurier all across different majors. Weโ€™re supposed to be fighting other schools for who is better, not ourselves. Weโ€™re all Goldenhawks and proud of it.


Stop this damn civil war and just get along!

Dear Life,

Whispering in the library, especially the seventh floor, has got to be one of the most obnoxious things imaginable. Itโ€™s almost as loud as talking, yet somehow gets under your skin more. Seriously people, shut the fuck up! Some of us are trying to sleep ….


Mid-Afternoon Napping

Dear Life,

Nearly every Tuesday and Thursday morning while walking to class I see you park your red sports car. Recently I saw you with a questionable moustache guarding your upper lip.


Doesnโ€™t matter, I would still ride both.

Dear Professors,

You do realize that 1,000+ pages of reading a week is slightly intense, and impractical, especially because us studious students would like to have a few bullets on our co-corricular record, right? I feel like a masochist.


My brain is mush.

Dear Life,

Why is it that every food source thatโ€™s actually edible and tastes half decent shuts down on the weekend?


Oh yea, I forgot that I didnโ€™t ever need to eat after Friday at 4 p.m.

Dear Life,

RE: Arts Students. We do get laid, we just don’t do it with you.


Get a degree that means something.

Dear Life,

I’m really bothered by the huge ego that many of the science students on our campus have developed. It’s shocking to me that they think because they wear a fancy white lab coat and can name the inside parts of a pig, they are somehow better than arts students. Tell me this, could you write four papers all due within the same week, on top of midterms and having umm… an actual life? Didn’t think so.


Instead of just dissecting animals, next time I suggest you shove your head up their ass!

Dear Life,

To all business, math, science and music majors. Have fun teaching high school.


Arts majors

Dear Life,

To all those people who expressed distaste in arts students: Thank you for expressing your opinions about us using an art medium.


You’d be McLost Without Us

Dear Life,

A blow to the science kid’s ego: Try going to a school that is actually recognized for their science program.


Letโ€™s Go Gryphons

Dear Life,

To the people who cut up arts majors, Fuck you. At least my arts degree teaches me how to respect others in the world. Having an arts degree bash fest with your buddies does not mean that you are the be all and end all. Get real; you do not dominate the world. Go live in a third world country and see where those finance skills take you. Character skills will take you far in life. Remember that.


Your stats and figures should show you the bigger picture.

Dear Life,

To everyone who’s not an arts major: All the allegedly useless crap that we do is serious stuff. Just because you can’t wrap your heads around certain concepts that are beyond you doesn’t mean you have the right to belittle our degrees. By the way, what’s done in polite (not to mention intellectual) circles is not being an unprovoked asshole to people because they chose a different career path than you.


An intellectual, thanks.

Dear business students,

Looking forward to chatting with you at high school faculty meetings.


You really think you’re all gunna be CEO’s?

Dear Life,

Whatโ€™s with all this hate on Arts majors? I understand that people are bitter because they couldn’t get into a university with a respected science program, but no need to be a bitch about it.


I spit in your McDouble

Dear Life,

Why is it that everyone is trashing arts students now? Just because we’re not in business or science does not mean we’re idiots. You guys are just jealous that on Sunday nights we go to Phil’s and you go to sleep at 10 p.m. so you won’t be too tired for your 8:30am class. The shit-talking isn’t really necessary when we know that pretty soon you’ll be failing out of BBA and end up in undeclared arts.


See you in class next semester

Dear Life,

I’m really disappointed in the people that are generalizing majors and their worth.
Not only are they proving that they have a lack of maturity by making such accusations, but they also show their lack of knowledge and understanding.
Students in every department work hard to attain their degrees at Laurier, discrediting their hard work, no matter their department is shallow and unnecessary. If you are discrediting the quality of a specific programs education, you are discrediting the quality of the institution of Laurier. I cannot fathom why any student would find the need to stereotype a whole department of students in a negative way.


Karma โ€“ try being nice because what goes around comes around

Dear business, science, math and music majors,

Go fuck yourself.


Arts students who ENJOY their programs.

Dear Outspoken Hall of Fame Occupants,

Don’t get me wrong: I love Laurier as a school and have had a fantastic time here, but I don’t buy into the whole “Don’t walk on the Hawk” practice. To me, the Hawk represents an enormous chunk of money that could have been better allocated towards actually contributing towards our educations rather than a big chunk of the floor in a busy hallway that we are unreasonably expected to avoid. So I’m sorry if my walking on it offends your delicate sensibilities, but kindly direct your overzealous, misplaced school pride elsewhere and stop giving me shit for doing so.


Your heckling me is far more disrespectful than my walking on an inanimate piece of marble

Dear Life,

You would think that Ecohawks, the leaders of envrionmental awareness at Laurier, would clean up their shit. But no, at their general members meeting, they decided to litter up a classroom with bottles and wrappers. This hypocrisy is disgusting. When you can’t even do something as fundamental as picking up after yourself, you have no right to request others to do so. What’s worse is that they decided to print five million copies of their ‘Agenda’, which their general members so conveniently left on their table and the floor. Here’s the thing tree huggers, I love the environment too, and I want this world to be more sustainable. But you will NEVER see me printing up extra sheets for something I can use the board for, or leave my trash for people to clean up. Yes, I do turn off the lights when I’m not in my room, and you don’t see me standing on top of a mountain yelling it to the world.


The word “hypocrite” has a new definition.

Dear Life,

Do you know what I hate? Spiders. Dโ€™you know what I hate more? Spiders ON me. Dโ€™you know what I hate more than this? Spiders on me WHILE I’M IN THE SHOWER. What do I hate most about this, you ask? The fact that the word “Spiders” in this situation is plural. Thank you, Life, for making me feel like an integral part of Japan’s erotic fetish film industry.


I hope Laurier enjoys the aroma of crotch stank and Axe body spray that will growingly get worse over the next eight weeks

Dear Life,

Can you tell the business students that art students don’t blame them for the state of the global economy? As arts students we understand the complexities of the world and accept that fault shouldn’t be assigned to one group or another. Understanding the ‘other’ is part of being civilized.

Wishing they could also be accepting and open.


Happy and fulfilled at the Faculty of Arts and tired of people feeling depressed for having selected the wrong faculty.

Dear Life,

To the business, math and science majors who told art students to get a real degree. There are seven types of intelligence โ€“ each has its own value and importance. All students are biased towards their own program and so they should be. Choose to respect other peopleโ€™s skills and interests. Thinking youโ€™re superior makes you inferior. And by the way, Warren Buffet, one of the worldโ€™s richest and smartest, attributes his success to the fact that his competition are business graduates who instead of learning basic economic concepts, have memorized the steps to tax dividends.

Dear Life,

To all business/math students, why all the hate? Without art majors you would not have a newspaper to voice your pathetic ego-boosting self-promotions to begin with. So get off your high horse and realize that you will probably be working a sales job one day and kissing our asses to buy your lousy product.


A proud-to-be arts major

Dear Life,

You’re right, people in the arts will go nowhere in life. They’ll probably work at McDonalds the rest of their lives. You’re right, it must not be a real degree even though its one of the largest programs. You’re right, business majors will succeed unlike the arts. And you are right, all business students are better than arts students.

Business students: take off your Canada Goose bombers, put your BlackBerryโ€™s down and look around. Did you feel that? That’s your ego self-destructing because no one gives a fuck.


The rest of the school that knows you won’t make it past second year.

Dear Life,

In what sense is it funny to make fun of people’s sexuality? That’s right itโ€™s NOT! It is inappropriate! This is a message to the two guys at Dallas Saturday night dressed as gays. I always keep my promises and if I ever see your faces again I will punch you!! P.S. grow the fuck up and while your at it grow some balls cause clearly yours are non existent.


“Ya that’s right walk away!!” Love the intimidating 5โ€™1โ€ girl.

Dear Life,

I know that our campus is small, but come on, we need more bike racks. I enjoy riding my bike to class but do not enjoy biking around campus for 10 minutes, swerving through crowds of people just to find a place to lock it up. How can SBE have such a lack of bike racks? I thought we were supposed to bike to save the environment or whatever. What is this?


Taking the bus sucks.

Dear Life,

To whoever may have โ€œborrowedโ€ my Roots wallet from the 24 Lounge last Thursday afternoon/evening, I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed a cup of coffee or even a beer on my behalf. All I ask in return is that you kindly bring my newly โ€œfoundโ€ wallet to either the Union Desk or to the Special Constable Services with my cards and I.D. intact. As your reward, feel free to keep the cash that was inside! After all, who am I without my I.D. to verify me – please help make me a Somebody again …


Missing my wallet

Dear Life,

Why does replacing a stolen wallet have to cost so much? The government doesn’t charge as much as the OneCard office to replace a piece of plastic.

Sincerely, never drinking again.

Dear Life,

I really do not understand the animosity towards students who chose to study the arts. I really do not think that the students who are studying business and science are so much more likely to succeed in the economy than arts students. Arts programs are real degrees. In fact organizations are more likely to hire students with arts degrees because of their abilities to learn anything and communicate effectively. An arts degree also provides students with transferable skills due to the broad based education they receive. This is highly valued by employers because it means that students are better able to see things in a new light and make sense of ideas in different context.


Business students need to be knocked off their pedestals, get the sticks out of their asses and their noses out of the air and realize that they are no more special than the rest of the people who attend Laurier.

Dear Life,

To all arts students, I have nothing against you. I’m sorry about those who claim to speak on my behalf.


One Particular Science Student

Dear Life,

Can’t the arts and biz kids just get along? Arts kids work just as hard as we biz kids do. So please, grow up and stop being so closed minded.


Best friends with an arts major

Dear Life is your opportunity to write a letter to your life, allowing you to vent your anger with lifeโ€™s little frustrations in a completely public forum. All submissions to Dear Life are anonymous, should be no longer than 100 words and must be addressed to your life. Submissions can be sent to no later than Monday at noon each week.

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