Category: News


Cost of Foot Patrol office triples

For the last three months, Foot Patrol has been operating out of the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union (WLUSU) boardroom and reception area on the second floor of the...

Wilf’s closed indefinitely

“At 9:30 am on Saturday morning, the floor drains in the kitchen and bar area started backing up with a forceful flow of water We’re talking about water that’s bubbling out...

Crash disrupts festivities

Two students were sent to hospital on Monday night after being hit by a car that swerved onto the sidewalk outside of Phil’s Grandson's Place on King St south of University Ave...

The politics of the zombie apocalypse

The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in Waterloo hosted a talk that was topical, but nonetheless of the utmost importance on Oct 26, as Daniel W Drezner gave...

Late night cheese

Have you ever found yourself craving delicious comfort food, late at night but left unsatisfied due to a lack of options Princess Café, at 46 King St North, has provided a...

Halloween haunts in Waterloo

This Halloween season marked K-W Little Theatre’s (KWLT) second annual haunted house They had amazing success with it last year, so they decided that they wanted to continue...