Category: Campus


Is campus crowded?

This September has brought a greater number of students to Wilfrid Laurier University than in years past and the perception that campus is more crowded than ever before has...

Applying for study time

The Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union (WLUSU) and Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) have put forward a proposal to university administration for 24-hour library...

Breaking down O-Week

The longstanding tradition of Orientation Week’s On-Campus Celebration went off without a hitch again this year Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union (WLUSU) president...

News in brief: Sept. 15, 2010

Fraternity makes noise on campus for charity On the first day of classes, in the amphitheatre, the A E Pi fraternity held a rock-a-thon charity drive in support of The Grand...

First years reminded of responsibility

Sunday of Orientation Week gathered students from the Wilfrid Laurier School of Business and Economics (SBE) together for the faculty’s annual O-Day, a chance for students to...

WLUSU hires social media coordinator

The Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union (WLUSU) has created a new position in the organization to correspond with an increased focus on digital promotion to students The...

WLU centre makes strides

According to the Parkinson Society of Canada, nearly 100, 000 Canadians currently live with the debilitating neurodegenerative disease This number does not take into account the...

Profs awarded grant

Psychology professor Nancy Kocovski and chemistry professor Vladimir Kitaev were awarded the Early Researcher Award, providing them each with $100,000 over five years to continue...