Bag o’ Crime: Nov. 9, 2011


Intoxicated Person

Location: Parking Lot #7 in front of Bricker Academic Building

Reported: Oct. 31 at 12:34 a.m.

A SCS officer dealt with an intoxicated male party attempting to gain entry to the Bricker Academic Building. He was identified as a first-year 18-year-old WLU student. He initially identified himself with false identification. He was turned over to his duty Don and a Residence Life staff member and left in their care. The infractions will be dealt with by Residence Life staff.

Location: Residence

Reported: Oct. 31 at 1:26 a.m.

SCS officers attended to the front of the student residence in response to a disturbance. An 18-year-old male WLU student was located nearby and complained about having been assaulted. He was bleeding from a head injury. EMS attended and transported the victim to Grand River Hospital for an undetermined head injury. Two male suspects were located in the nearby vicinity. They were identified as two 20-year-old WLU students. WRPS was contacted and the investigation was turned over to them. A third suspect has also been identified as a 19-year-old WLU student.

Assist Other Service

Location: Off Campus

Reported: Oct. 31 at 10:01 p.m.

SCS received a call that a motor vehicle had veered off the roadway into a large crowd of people waiting entry into Philโ€™s Grandsonโ€™s. Caller indicated that several people were injured. SCS, EMS and WRPS all attended. SCS assisted with witness statements and provided video footage of the events to WRPS investigating officers. SCS also assisted with crowd control. Charges are pending at the time of this synopsis.

Intoxicated Person

Location: FNCC

Reported: Nov. 1 at 12:02 a.m.

SCS responded to the Turret night club to assist an intoxicated female that was found vomiting in the washroom. The intoxicated female was left in the care of a sober party and escorted home by Foot Patrol.

Person Stop

Location: Parking Lot # 7

Reported: Nov. 1 at 12:00 a.m.

SCS observed a group of males walking through the Bricker Academic Building randomly going in and out of classrooms. When the males exited the building into Lot # 7, one of the males gestured with his middle finger to the SCS patrol vehicle. he subject male was engaged with by officers and spoken to regarding his behaviour and actions.

Injured /Sick Person

Location: FNCC

Reported: Nov. 1 at 1:05 a.m.

SCS observed a female in distress while performing an interior patrol of the Turret night club. The female had injured herself on the dance floor as a result of being stepped on by another dancer, resulting a bruised and swollen foot with a small puncture. Ice was provided and applied but the female indicated she was still in significant pain. SCS transported her to Grand River Hospital for further assessment and treatment.

Injured/Sick Person

Location: Residence

Reported: Nov. 1 at 3:01 a.m.

SCS received a report that a 911 call had been placed requesting an ambulance for a female with concussion-related issues at the student residence. The female indicated that she had previously sustained a concussion (approximately one year ago) and had fallen and hit her head again this evening. She had been consuming alcohol. The female indicated that her symptoms appeared to be worsening which is why she requested transport to the hospital. She was transported by EMS to Grand River Hospital for further assessment and treatment.

Unwanted Person

Location: Athletic Complex

Reported: Nov. 1 at 8:12 a.m.

SCS responded to a report of a male working out at the Athletic Complex who appeared to be intoxicated. The male student is known to SCS. The male had advised AC staff that he had been drinking and taking illegal drugs the night before and had not yet gone to bed. The male had been asked to leave the AC due to his behaviour and conduct but he refused. SCS attended and spoke with the male and advised him that he was required to comply with the staffโ€™s request to leave or he would be in violation of the TPA. SCS determined that the male was no longer intoxicated, and could safely leave the area on his own. The male was informed not to return to the AC for the remainder of the day.

Injured/Sick Person

Location: 232 King Street

Reported: Nov. 1 at 11:00 p.m.

SCS responded to reports of a male student experiencing breathing difficulties at his student residence. The male had been eating at a nearby restaurant and began to choke. He was able to dislodge the food item but his ability to breathe did not improve. The male had attended 232 King Street seeking help. EMS was requested. EMS treated the male on scene and then escorted him to his residence.


Location: Residence

Reported: Nov. 2 at 2:18 a.m.

SCS observed two males engaged in suspicious activity in the underground parking garage at the student residence. Initially the males were permitted to leave the area after speaking with them briefly, but officers then observed a plastic homemade bong on the ground where the males were standing. Officers, with the assistance of Residence Life, sourced out the one male and questioned him regarding the paraphernalia. The male denied any knowledge, but officers located more paraphernalia and a knife in his room. The items were turned over to SCS.


Location: Residence

Reported: Nov. 4 at 1:38 a.m.

SCS attended to the student residence in response to suspected drug usage. A quantity of marijuana and โ€˜magic mushroomsโ€™ and drug paraphernalia was seized for destruction. A 17-year-old male student will be dealt with by Residence Life staff for the narcotics violation.

Intoxicated Person

Location: Residence

Reported: Nov. 5 at 12:27 a.m.

Special Constables attended at a residence after receiving a call that an intoxicated male was in need of assistance. On arrival he was found on his bed vomiting into a bowl. He was assessed and left in the care of a sober friend.

Intoxicated Person

Location: Residence

Reported: Nov. 5 at 1:21 a.m.

An intoxicated male Laurier student was taken to Grand River Hospital for observation by ambulance. He became combative with EMS personnel en route to the hospital and was unco-operative with staff at the hospital. He is alleged to have spit on them.

Intoxicated Person

Location: Turret

Reported: Nov. 5 at 1:28 a.m.

Special Constables responded to a call for an intoxicated male in the Turret. The person was unconscious but breathing. The male was taken to hospital for observation.

Liquor Offence

Location: Turret

Reported: Nov, 6 at 1:36 a.m.

An SCS Officer issued two PONs to a male requested to leave the Turret. One PON was for being intoxicated in a public place and another PON issued under the Trespass to Property Act for fail to leave premise when directed.

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