Dear Life,
The purpose of headphones is so you can listen to the music without disturbing the rest of us. If they are loud enough that everyone in the room can hear you, turn it down. Heck, if I can hear it a couple seats down get away from me you bad taste in music people. Use your headphones.
Don’t Want to Listen to “Bad to the Bone”
Dear Life,
I’m not much of a complainer, but what part of quiet study area do people not get? I don’t want to listen to you complaining about forgetting your laptop and how your parents hate you, and I also don’t want to listen to that other guy giggling. Some of us are in university and have final projects/final exams coming up. It would be stellar if you could be considerate of that.
Yes, That’s Me Giving You the Stink Eye … Take a Hint
Dear Life,
Why are most of the doctors, nurses and receptionists at Health Services so incompetent? I would like to leave Health Service once this semester without wanting to cry with frustration at their stupidity and rudeness.
Please Don’t Make Me Go Back
Dear Life,
I came to university to be taken seriously, not to write essays on why puppies are the best pets for babies and rehash lectures in essay form by answering, “which theory is better?” What is this?
Disenchanted First-Year
Dear Life,
Why can’t the Pita Shack and the students at WLU just get along? I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we’d all eat it and be happy.
I Just Have a Lot of Feelings
Dear Life,
Do people really need to be reminded to stay on the right-hand side of all walkways, doorways and stairways? We have etiquette for a reason, in this case for the obvious purpose of being able to get around faster. The worst of it is when there is a rail dividing the path in half, such as the stairs outside the dining hall, and I have to wait for some careless bozo on the wrong side to go all the way up the stairs before I can go down because there is one person going up on each half. As a final note, being in a hurry is an extremely poor excuse for walking on the wrong side.
You’re Not the Only One in a Hurry, Jerk
Dear Life,
As I gaze my window I can see the lovely amphitheater and I’m wondering how it got so gross. Throughout the year there are many events in this area and I feel it’s a place the school is proud of. So, why do I see garbage, recyclables and cigarette butts as I’m looking out on some idle Sunday? To worsen the matter, Laurier’s year-round goose population is eating up our carelessness. Please use the garbage not only to keep Laurier clean, but to protect the limited biodiversity we have here. To the smokers, please put it out and throw it out.
Bitter About Litter
Dear Life,
Don’t take up seminar/classrooms in the DAWB just to play boardgames for hours. Some of us actually want to pass our classes.
Dear Life,
Why must there be exams? It doesn’t make sense that I be tested on material that I can look up at any other point in my life.
Mind in Over Drive
Dear Life,
The library has always been the last refuge for quiet study. For the most of the year, it’s a good (although depressing) place to buckle down and get work done in relative silence. Now, I understand that there’s going to be noise when students are arriving and departing to and from study sessions; that’s acceptable. But when did it become permissible to answer a call on the upper floors? Head to the elevator waiting area and take it there. And what’s with the summer job advertising? Bloody hell, I just want to study in peace.
Sincerely, Ignores Own Mother For Fellow Library Comrades