There and back again

Summer is fast approaching along with the enormous weight lifted off our shoulders from studying, exams and homework. With the end of torturous schoolwork comes for many students the return to your beloved hometown for four months to catch up with high school friends, home cooking and the return to working life.

Though many of us are excited for this break from reality, it is common for students to face the challenge of adjustment. After all, for eight months of the year we can virtually do whatever we want, whenever we want. This freedom can be harshly shifted with the sudden shock that now you may have your parents to answer to once again.

Alexandra Cook, a third year student who is returning home for the summer as she did the last year, explained the change as a big adjustment for the first little while. “It’s hard to adjust at first because at school I’m on my own time, now I’m on my parents time table,” she said. Listening to parents’ wishes was also an adjustment for Cook. “It’s hard to go from doing your own thing for eight months, to suddenly having to listen to someone and their rules,” she added.

For some students the adjustment of moving home is just simply not for them. Ashley Somchanh is a second year student, who after the first summer at home decided to stay in Waterloo this time. “I didn’t like having to move back and forth for only four months, so I thought it would be easier to stay here for the summer,” she said.

The moving process was not the only thing that kept this second year from deciding to stay local. Somchanh had trouble dealing with the limited freedom that came with moving home. “I didn’t like how much freedom I lost living at home, it’s hard to adjust to not being able to do whatever you want,” she said, outlining a major reason as to why some students decide to stay in Waterloo over the summer months.

With the cons being obvious, there are some pros that make moving home enjoyable in the summer months. Less responsibility is often something to look forward to.

After the initial adjustment, Cook said, “It’s nice to have a break from all the responsibility too, especially not having to cook anymore.”

These differences can be especially challenging for first year students, making the transition back home for the first time. Somchanh suggested keeping in mind that it’s a big adjustment for your parents too.

Cook also provided some optimism, stating , “It’s hard for the first two weeks but then you adjust to living under your parents’ roofs again.”

No matter what the situation is it’s easy to take comfort in the fact that unless you feel like reading for fun, you don’t need to pick up a book for a solid four months. So enjoy home cooking and free laundry while you can because before you know it you’ll be back in class counting down the days until Christmas.

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