Uncapping essential oils: The unexpected life hack

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Do the words “essential oils” make you think of some hippie in the middle of a forest burning incense and chanting? I used to feel that way about them too.

Essential oils are often overlooked and many people would rather reach for a bottle of Tylenol instead of trying a more natural approach. A majority of people admit to not even knowing what essential oils are, often assuming they’re just fragrant oils for women.

Well, they’re not and there’s much more to them.

Essential oils are naturally occurring aromas found in the seeds, stems, leaves and flowers of various plants. Essential oil uses vary depending on the oil, as well as the process of usage.

It is extremely important to choose essential oils that are 100 per cent pure or ‘therapeutic grade’ and do not contain any fillers (e.g. alcohol). This is to ensure that the oils are pure enough to be used topically and safe for consumption.

When I roll this blend on the bottoms of my feet and the back of my neck, I swear I can study for hours. I find that it keeps me attentive and makes me feel more awake.

People ask me whether or not essential oils really work almost every time someone sees me using them. I’ll be honest, when I was first introduced to oils, I laughed.

There was no way I was going to use peppermint oil to treat my headache, instead of popping some Advil. Two weeks later though, my opinion changed and I realized these bad boys actually work. There really is an essential oil for everything.

After a long day of classes – where just about every person in a lecture is coughing – I will instantly reach for my bottle of On Guard and rub it everywhere. On Guard is a huge front runner for me, especially when that dreaded Laurier bug is going around campus.

On Guard is an essential oil blend of orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary. It is amazing for immunity and is naturally antibacterial. It also smells like Christmas, which is a huge plus.

On Guard can be used topically (one drop rubbed into hands or bottoms of feet), ingested (one drop in water for immunity), or diffused into the air using a diffuser. 

Picture this scenario: you’ve been studying science for what feels like a month, you’ve consumed your body weight in coffee and it’s 3 a.m. Try falling asleep, I dare you. That’s where lavender rolls in. Lavender is my all-time favorite oil; it smells incredible and can be used for just about anything. Lavender is most often used for relaxation, inducing sleep and decreasing stress. I use lavender daily, and typically wear it as an all-natural perfume. Along with relaxation, Lavender is great for sunburns, eczema and cuts or scrapes.

Lastly, I don’t know about you, but I cannot and will not focus for more than 5 minutes when it comes to studying. There is a roller bottle blend sold by Doterra that I absolutely swear by. It’s called Intune and it’s a blend of patchouli, frankincense, lime and sandalwood. When I roll this blend on the bottoms of my feet and the back of my neck, I swear I can study for hours. I find that it keeps me attentive and makes me feel more awake.

There you have it, essential oils in a nutshell. Those are just my top three and trust me, it was very hard to narrow it down.

Whether are you trying to find a remedy for those headaches that sneak up on you halfway through class, or you are trying to find the proper study aid, there is a high chance that the perfect essential oil for you is out there waiting to be discovered.

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