Editorial: Finding positive outlets

I can’t speak on behalf of everyone, but for me at least, coming to university was a time for me to figure out who I am and who I want to be.

This has always been a struggle of mine. Anxiety is also something that I have to deal with on a daily basis, and being in my final year at Laurier, time is really starting to feel like it is catching up. Everyone is always telling me to figure out a plan for myself and set goals that I can work to achieve in the future.

It’s not that I don’t try to do this already, it’s just that this task is honestly daunting and gives me so much stress that it may not seem that this is the case. Not only do I not really know what I want to do with my life, but I really don’t even know who I am yet.

Personally, I found that focusing on the current is something that keeps me sane and gives me the ability to have some control and handle on my life.

Halloween being this month has made me feel very creative. This feeling has brought me motivation which has actually really helped me maintain my anxiety; I hope this will not just be a phase and that it will stick with me (as I feel that I tend to have these spirts and then give up).

Being the Graphics Editor for The Cord this year has been a complete saviour to me. I started volunteering last year as something to stay busy and never thought I would have this position now.

I would have never gone for this opportunity had it not been pushed on me by friends and family, and for the amazing and welcoming Cord team. I am so thankful for this experience so far!

Every week I have been making all the graphics in the paper (if anyone is interested in volunteering, please reach out!).

This responsibility not only allows me to be creative and express myself the way I know how to best, but also keeps me busy all week as I have to manage meeting deadlines, attend meetings, and have a full course load.

Maybe it’s because it’s October and it’s the month of Halloween, but my creativity and desire to explore so many makeup looks and costumes has brought me to a self-realization; I like being artistic and having fun exploring new looks and experimenting with design, both through graphics and on myself. This sudden shift in wanting to try it all has sparked.

Halloween is a great time to get wild with ideas and be whoever you want to be without any judgement whatsoever. Everyone gets to be who they want for a night. This concept has really inspired me this year.

Reflecting on how I feel from this experience, I can say that I never really appreciated Halloween until now. Considering all the options out there has given me the mindset that I really have a passion for design and visual art, but more so, it has given me the ability to discover this part of myself that I kept hidden, because that is who I am, but I don’t want to be this person anymore.

The feeling of not being good enough is hard to avoid when your anxiety and stress get to you, but finding outlets where you can be happy is honestly the key to truly discovering who you are. If I can do it, you can too.

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