Write your own story

Everyone loves a good story. Whether they read a book, watch a movie, see a play or simply hear the tale, stories are everywhere. They cross cultures and break barriers and the story is universal.
What is it about stories that make us want to watch one more episode or read just one more chapter?

Simple. Our lives are the biggest story we will ever experience. As the school year draws to an end and moves us closer to the “real world,” we can’t afford to forget the importance of our own stories and those around us.

Reality is best explained through the factors of fiction. We are the narrator of our own story. We are not necessarily the hero, but we will always be the narrator. We choose our own actions, dictate the roles we’ll play and decide how characters we encounter will play a part in our tale. The world consistently tries to push us from our stage; threshold guardians will try to deter us from our quests and villains will endeavour to trip us up in any way possible.

Sometimes, characters in our stories will attempt to break the fourth wall and muscle us out of narrating our own stories. They’ll start instructing us on how the story should go and we may even listen. We may no longer  be in control of our stories and might become slaves to the supporting players in our life’s story.

You may choose to be the hero of your story or you may even decide that your place should be one as a sidekick who stands firm when the heroes falter. Perhaps you’ll be the mentor who picks up the pieces, but the important thing is that you make active life choices. In life we often make the mistake of  saying “someday” or “tomorrow” and consequently waste our time with “if only” and “I should have.”

We also tend to forget that while we are in our own stories we are also the sidekick in dozens of others. Do we really want to be the villain in somebody else’s life? So many of our stories are interconnected and it is important to realize that we play a part in every piece of it, whether directly or indirectly. Choose to write an epic tale. Write a story that gives you the opportunity to confront the villain and fail, the one that might dump you into the depths of the pit.

Then, and here’s the key, continue to write the epic. Don’t let the story plateau and certainly do not let the story stop. Stories cross cultures and pull us in because they’re parts of many stories. The stories we hear can change us, inspire us and warn us. You are the narrator of your own story, so make it one you believe is worth telling.

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