Start your summer job search now

With last year’s summer student unemployment rate reported at a staggering 20.9 per cent, students should be applying for jobs early – meaning now.

In an effort to focus on school during the year, many students opt not to work while they are enrolled in classes. This means that many only have four months to make all the money they need to live on throughout the year, as the avenues of financial assistance – such as the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) – often provide inadequate funding in terms of living standards for the Waterloo region.

Students need to work diligently to obtain summer employment that will enable them to live comfortably as they focus on their studies.

Taking the extra time out of our busy schedules as we near the end of the semester may seem like too big a task for some, but with the use of Laurier’s on-campus or online resources, this daunting task can be manageable. That little extra attention to a cover letter could mean the difference between impressing a future employer and falling flat.

Being proactive when applying for jobs will pay off in the long run, and taking the extra initiative, like booking an appointment at the Career Development Centre or checking out tips on their website, could put you ahead of the pack when it comes to the quality of your applications and cover letters.

The Canadian government releases many of their job opportunities in early March, and these positions often provide a great summer experience with good pay.
With the summer months approaching quickly, it is in a student’s best interest to begin putting in the effort now, so that when coursework is complete, you won’t be left behind in the search for employment.