Personal training at Laurier’s athletic complex

Lace up those shoes, charge the iPod, grab a water bottle and head to the gym!

Working out and being physically active is something that all students should strive to fit into their busy schedule. Whether it is first thing in morning for that early cyclefit class or late at night to wind down the day, the fitness centre offers a variety of programs and opportunities. Amongst these endless opportunities is the one-on-one motivation that you may have been looking for; a personal trainer!

Personal training is more then just going to the gym and having someone “watch” you. It is about getting into and understanding your specific workout plan. Working with a personal trainer will help you to experience a one-on-one fitness education program that promotes continuous health management through realistic goal setting, an in-depth lifestyle regulation, and continuous knowledge about equipment usage. Ultimately a personal trainer will assist you in how to design and continue on with your own fitness program.

A personal trainer is a coach, a role model, a supportive friend and an educator who will create a customized program tailored straight to you and your needs. Personal trainers start from the basics; they asses your specific individual needs and will then devise a workout and wellness regime all for you! They create exciting and cutting-edge techniques that are sure to get you up and keep you motivated for weeks ahead.

Hiring a personal trainer does more then just help you lose weight. It is a full body comprehension that includes a variety of accomplishments; everything from weight loss to core stability to toned and tightened muscles to sport specific conditioning.
Laurier’s personal trainers are all highly qualified students who understand the “student lifestyle” of high and low gym times. They are here and want to help you. The Athletic Complex offers five different types of personal trainer packages.

  1. The Assessor Package will help you get in gear in the right direction. Working with a personal trainer they will develop an in-depth fitness assessment followed by the prescription of a simple fitness plan that will work for you.

  2. The Basic Package will give you an in-depth analysis of consistency and accountability to your routine. With five one-on-one personal sessions with your trainer you will ensure a concrete base to ensure that you are comfortable in performing your new fitness plan.

  3. The Real Deal Package is designed for a full intervention of fitness! With a commitment of 10 one-on-one sessions you will become well educated and well established with your newly prescribed and personalized plan.

  4. The Dou Package is an excellent way for both you and a friend to workout together. This package offers five two-on-one sessions with your trainer who will tailor the program to both you and your partner.

  5. The Deluxe Package is the way to pursue a longer-term plan, with 10 sessions this offers the perfect consistency in your fitness plan and firmly established in your new routines.

Working with a personal trainer will give you the motivation that you may have been looking for. It is a way to make an investment to achieve a new fit healthier you!