Our Dark Knight in shining armour

Graphic by Fani Hsieh

How do we define a hero, besides a mask and a cape?

Prior to watching The Lego Batman Movie, I watched The Dark Knight trilogy.

That series made me realize just how much I idolize Batman and what the caped crusader and the superhero phenomenon mean to me.

Now, when we think of vigilantism, many immediately think of someone dressing up in a superhero costume and chasing criminals off the street. That’s only one of the many ways a hero can contribute to society’s wellbeing.

However, throwing punches is not the only route when it comes to a hero.

Batman taught me that you don’t need special powers to overcome the face of adversity, but he also taught me the mindset of doing the right thing.

Both the real life superhero movement and Batman have taught me that moral values and the ability to inspire others to do good is the embodiment of what a hero should be.

When looking at the superhero movement, it seems to have started to gain widespread attention as superhero movies came out, especially with comic books being the main root of this phenomenon.

What I found amazing about this movement, when I first discovered it, was its ability to give people a dramatic example, much like Batman, of the notion that it what is in your heart that can make you a hero.

Phoenix Jones, who is a sensation in the superhero world in Seattle, has an armored bodysuit and various gadgets.

When I discovered this hero, what struck me is that he did not care if others perceived him as crazy, but he attained justice by inspiring other ordinary citizens in his city to join him in helping others.

From seeing the real-life superhero movement giving food to the homeless, administering first aid and helping others get home safely, it definitely emphasized the idea of lending your time towards others and how that is heroic.

Overall, it’s the deeds that we do to help others that can define us as being a hero and helping bring out the good in others.

Now, for Batman, what I have learned over the years through watching many of his films and reading many issues of the comics, is that despite having many abilities, his main power is that he is able to inspire a failing city to have hope.

When looking at Batman, I see someone who has gone through so much hardship and has the power of seeing even those who are evil as human beings who fell on hard times.

I have integrated these two heroes’ teachings in my life, as I feel my actions define who I am.

I definitely try to give back to my community and always remember the value of kindness when working with others.

When looking at Batman, I see someone who has gone through so much hardship and has the power of seeing even those who are evil as human beings who fell on hard times. 

To me, being able to show kindness has helped bring out the goodness in others, leading to a positive cycle, which I have seen countless times in my own life.

Despite all the obstacles we encounter in life, it always warms my heart when I see others helping to make the world a better place in their own way. Those people are real-life superheroes

Thank you, Batman.

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