Nov. 25, 2009


Dear Life:
Why do none of the smokers on this campus think that the โ€œno smoking within 10 metres of any university buildingโ€ signs apply to them? This rule exists for good reason.
Severely asthmatic

Dear Life:
Why is it that the business students choose to use the map library to do their group work? I would think that two buildings dedicated to the business students would suffice enough space for them, but no, they have to come into the one and only room that geography and environmental studies students have, and take up our small study space. Have some fucking decency and stay out of our room โ€“ a lot of us donโ€™t even like most business students as it is. We will continue to bitch at and about you until you stop. So stop. Please.
Disgruntled enviro kid

Dear Life:
Why must those in my communications class constantly disrupt my professor by talking and playing various games on their laptops? I (unlike you) am trying to learn something. If you want to be a disruptive jerk then the Concourse is across the hall. Nobody is forcing you to show up.
Sincerely, Finish your game of solitaire and get the hell out

Dear Life:
Why must people be so lazy to only open one of the two doors in a high traffic area while there are people walking in both directions, waiting to go through. Cโ€™mon, there are two doors for a reason. Use your university degree to open it.
Is Laurier dumb as a doorknob?

Dear Life:
My forehead is feeling a bit hot right now and Iโ€™m worried. If I get swine flu during the peak of paper season, Iโ€™m going to be so pissed off.
Oh shit, now my throat hurts

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