Letters to the Editor: September 19, 2012

Don’t walk on the hawk

Dear Editor,
As a second-year, but a newcomer to the Waterloo campus, I was warned ahead of time by a friend of the Laurier tradition of walking around the Golden Hawk emblem near the bookstore. Unfortunately managed to forget and incur the momentary wrath of some bystanders when I ambled my way down the hall during O-Week, beating the bookstore line by a week.

After apologizing and swearing to walk around next time, I had a good chuckle at this tradition and I’ve decided I quite like it. However, with the beginning of classes, I’ve seen at least three people unwittingly walk clean across the Hawk, without any attention from bystanders.

Perhaps some mercy should be given to ignorant first years. Or perhaps we’re all just becoming to apathetic, but our Laurier traditions should be upheld, though we may not be Oxford, Cambridge, or some Ivy League school with a much deeper culture and tradition.
-Joseph Brannan

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