Letters to the Editor: November 21, 2012

Centre for Women in Science deserves recognition

Dear Editor,
In the Dear Life section there was an ever-so classy comment about how Women in Science was an absolute joke and it was signed by a true woman in science. To her comment I had quite a chuckle.
As a volunteer at the event, I saw many more than ten people in attendance. Including the admirable Melissa Franklin, the first female physics professor at Harvard University, to speak and meet with us. Now, I’m apparently not a real woman in science (whether that means I’m either not a real woman or I’m not in a real science I’m not entirely sure yet) but neither is she.  A true scientist is one that seeks truth and knowledge to find the answers regardless of whether or not it is accepted by their initial beliefs, to question the world they live in.  As it is, ignorance could be considered the enemy of knowledge as those who possess it chose not to see beyond it. The tactful young writer possess enough for all the women in the science department. So I leave you with this piece of advice; I sincerely hope you are reading this miss Real Female Scientist as that the next time you make yourself out to be an ignorant brat, please do not call yourself a scientist, we are not appreciative of that affiliation.
–Jill Nichols

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