Laurier is not a small school anymore

Re: “Student-faculty ratio still missing,” Jan. 13

Laurier is no longer a small university. It’s hard to imagine and to believe but the small university we all came here for no longer exists.

Sure, we may still be a campus that is slightly larger than a city block with a student body much smaller than other universities like Toronto or Waterloo.

However, in the areas that matters most, the learning environment, the Laurier experience, and a deeper student-professor interaction, we have fallen behind other universities.

The small area of our campus is being compensated by stuffing more students into classrooms that were never designed to hold that many.

Figures that show the University of Toronto having smaller student-faculty ratio than us as well as the Brantford campus have much higher class sizes than they should are sobering news indeed.

In the meantime, while Laurier can once again become a small university with the implementation of smaller student-faculty ratios, we can no longer call ourselves a small school, not when the numbers say otherwise.

–Anatolijs Venovcevs