Injured/Sick Person:
Location: Athletic Complex
Date: January 24, 2011 @ 10:07 pm
SCS and ERT attended to the A.C. in response to a report of an exercise related injury. A 21 year old male had injured his knee practicing Tae Kwon Do. He was assessed by ERT and treated on scene. No further medical assistance required.
Unwanted Person:
Location: Science Building
Date: January 25, 2011 @ 11:01 am
SCS officers issued a Trespass Notice to a female student.
Unwanted Person:
Location: The Library
Date: January 25, 2011 @ 1:35 pm
A report was received about a sales person in The Library handing out his business cards soliciting for summer jobs. He was a representative from Spring Masters of Canada. He was gone upon the arrival of SCS. A message was sent to their Head Office advising them of our No Soliciting policy on campus.
Unwanted Person:
Location: Arts C-wing
Date: January 25, 2011 @ 4:00 pm
A complaint was received from a faculty member about a student showing up for lab classes for which he was not registered for. SCS attended however the matter had been dealt with prior to their arrival and the student is no longer attending classes.
Location: Parking Lot #7
Date: January 24, 2011 @ 11:50 pm
SCS was notified via an E-Alert message by a male party about some graffiti that had been left on his vehicle. The vehicle had been parked in parking lot #7 near the entrance to Bouckaert Hall. The matter is under investigation by SCS.
Unwanted Person:
Location: Residence
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 12:30 am
SCS received a complaint from student residents that a group of approximately 8 males were instigating a confrontation outside their patio doors.
Property Damage:
Location: Wilfโs Pub
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 4:10am
SCS received a call from the custodial staff at Wilfโs advising of a large mirror broken on one of the pillars. No other details could be obtained. CCTV video footage was unable to catch the incident of cameras. Physical Plant and Planning has been notified to repair the mirror prior to the opening of the establishment.
Injured/Sick Person:
Location: Mid Campus Drive
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 1:35 pm
SCS officers dealt with a 19 year old male student that had sustained a knee injury. He had jumped over a puddle of water and upon landing he โpoppedโ out his left knee. This apparently is a recurring medical problem with him. He did not require any medical assistance. He was transported home to his residence by SCS officers.
Suspicious Vehicle:
Location: St. Michael Campus, Lot #32
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 1:20 pm
A complaint was received about a parked vehicle idling for an extended period of time. SCS officers had dealt with this individual before. The vehicle owner was located and spoken to in order to eliminate any future complaints.
Theft Under $5000:
Location: Bricker Academic Building
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 3:20 pm
SCS officers are investigating the theft of a cell phone. The complainant had inadvertently left her phone behind in one of the classrooms. When she returned it was gone. There are no suspects at the present time.
Theft Under $5000:
Location: Athletic Complex
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 6:45 pm
SCS officers are investigating the theft of a menโs winter jacket from the A.C. The complainant had left this article of clothing in an unlocked locker. The coat was recovered the following day in another locker and turned into โThe Lost and Foundโ section. It is believed it could possibly have been a prank.
Location: Various locations across campus
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 1:00 pm (Reported)
A female student reported the loss of her One Card to SCS. During the time period that it was lost till reporting time, person(s) unknown had made some sixty eight fraudulent transactions with it at various locations across campus. The matter is being investigated by SCS.
Location: Residence
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 8:16 pm
SCS officers attended to the student residence in response to a complaint of suspected drug usage in one of the rooms. An 18 year old male student admitted to smoking marihuana in his room. No marihuana or drug paraphernalia was seized. The student is dropping out of university and will be moving out shortly.
Injured/Sick Person:
Location: F.N.C.C. Terrace Food Court
Date: January 26, 2011 @ 7:42 pm
A 23 year old male student while working at Mr. Sub suffered a spontaneous severe nose bleed. He was assessed by ERT and EMS personnel and was cleared medically by the paramedics. He was driven home by SCS officers and left in the care of his roommates.
Assist Other Service:
Location: Off Campus
Date: January 27, 2011 @ 12:50 pm
On duty SCS officers witnessed a two vehicle M.V.C. at the intersection of Columbia and Philip St. There were no injuries. They rendered assistance with traffic control until the arrival of W.R.P.S. The matter was turned over to W.R.P.S.
Misc. Assistance:
Location: Off Campus
Date: January 27, 2011 @ 1:45 pm
On duty SCS officers stopped to assist an elderly motorist whose vehicle had broken down in the intersection of Weber and Union St. till the arrival of a tow truck.
Location: Residence
Date: January 28, 2011 @ 12:19 am
SCS officers attended to the student residence in response to a complaint of suspected drug usage in one of the units. No narcotics were found but some drug paraphernalia was seized. An 18 year old male (non-guest) was evicted and issued a Provincial Offence Notice under the Trespass To property Act barring him from all W.L.U. properties.
Location: Residence
Date: January 28, 2011 @ 2:40 am
SCS and WRPS officers were dispatched to the student residence in response to a domestic dispute between a female student and her boyfriend. A verbal dispute off campus had turned physical once they had returned to the student residence. The female sustained minor injuries from some bite marks to her facial area and thigh. Her injuries were treated by members from ERT. A 19 year old male (non WLU student) was arrested by WRPS on scene for assault and held for a bail hearing.
Unknown Call Requiring Police Assistance:
Location: 150 Albert St
Reported: 8:53am Fri Jan 28/11
A special constable attended at the offices at 150 Albert St in response to a report that person(s) unknown had been in the premises and left two half pitchers of beer and vomited in a sink. There were no signs of forced entry and nothing appeared to be missing or damaged. How access to the premises was gained is unknown at this time. A list of key holders is being reviewed. There is no video surveillance of the area.
Location: Residence
Reported: 11:07pm Fri Jan 28/11
Special constables responded to a Residence after receiving a report of possible marijuana use. A small amount of the substance and some paraphernalia was seized for destruction. Residence Life will be dealing with the individuals.
Injured/Sick Person:
Location: Residence
Reported: 9:20pm Fri Jan 28/11
Special constables and ERT attended at a residence regarding a female student who was feeling faint. She was assessed by ERT who determined that she most likely had the flu. The student was left in the care of her roommate with instructions to call if her condition worsened.
Injured/Sick Person:
Location: King & Ezra St
Reported: 11:53am Fri Jan 28/11
Special constables assisted a female student who twisted her knee while getting of a bus at the corner of King & Ezra Streets. She was subsequently transported to hospital.
Intoxicated Person:
Location: Residence
Reported: 12:52am Sat Jan 29/11
Special constables and ERT responded to a report of a female student lying on the floor in the bathroom on the second floor of Willison Hall. It was determined that she had consumed approximately half of a 26 oz bottle of vodka in about an hour. She was subsequently transported to hospital.
Theft Under $5000:
Location: Residence
Reported: 2:04pm Sat Jan 29/11
A resident reported the theft of some prescription drugs from his room. He called a short time later advising that he found them under a pile of laundry. The theft is unfounded.
Unwanted Person:
Location: Residence
Reported: 3:18pm Sat Jan 29/11
A special constable responded to a residence after receiving a report that a student who had previously been evicted from residence was in the building. On arrival the student was spoken to and made to leave. The matter will be sent to the Judicial Affairs Council.
Intoxicated Person:
Location: Nichols Centre
Reported: 11:33pm Sat Jan 29/11
Special constables responded to a report of an intoxicated female in the hallway outside of Wilfโs who was vomiting and having difficulty sitting without assistance. She lost consciousness several times while being spoken to. EMS was called and she was subsequently transported to hospital.
Intoxicated Person:
Location: Concourse
Reported: 12:02am Sun Jan 30/11
Special constables and EMS attended to an intoxicated female student in the Concourse. She did not respond to questioning and was unable to stand on her own. She was taken to hospital by EMS. It should be noted that this female is the sister of the female in the previous incident.
Injured/Sick Person:
Location: Residence
Reported: 1:25am Sun Jan 30/11
Special constable and ERT attended at a residence in response to a report that a student had been experiencing a nose bleed for about half an hour. ERT treated the nose bleed which stopped a short time later.
Location: Nichols Centre Quad
Reported: 1:56am Sun Jan 30/11
Special constables responded to a report of an altercation involving some females near the quad entrance to the Nichols Centre. The cause of the altercation was determined to be tensions between two females over a male. One female apparently kicked the other in the stomach. The victim does not want to pursue the matter. The suspect has yet to be located and interviewed. Special Constable service will continue to investigate.
Location: Lot 32
Reported: 4:20am Sun Jan 30/11
Person(s) unknown wrote something inappropriate in the snow on the rear window of a vehicle parked at St Michaelโs Campus.