Category: Opinion


Cord endorsements

WLUSU President: Nick Gibson Rebecca Vasluianu Last year I believe The Cord made a mistake in endorsing Kyle Walker: the likeable, less knowledgeable candidate So this year I...

UBB bad for Canadian technology

UBB bad for Canadian technology The overall lack of attention that the recent implementation of usage based billing (UBB) by most major Internet service providers (ISPs) is very...

Music students underappreciated

Music students underappreciated RE: LMT shows Laurier how to party, Jan 19 I always know when it’s Wednesday The new issue of The Cord comes out and someone always has...

You know what yanks my Cord…

…Pretentious biz kids Now, let me be clear in saying that not all business students fall into this category as I am careful to avoid painting individuals with the same brush I...

Kirpan ban against Canadian values

As Canadians we pride ourselves on our country’s multiculturalism and diversity It is often used as one of the focal points of Canadian identity in contrast to the American...

Gender inequality rampant

RE: Feminist movement of the present trapped in irrelevance, Jan 19 In the counterpoint section of this past week’s topic “Feminism in the 21st Century”, Barbara Ciochon...