Category: Features


Style on the slopes

Wintertime has approached us again within a blink of an eye Individuals are forced to reacquaint themselves with their winter coats A challenge that faces most Canadians is how to...

Being strung along

Unheard of less than a decade ago, social networking has changed the landscape of Internet communication More than just a new way to keep in touch, sites like Facebook and...

Can pills make you smarter?

OTTAWA (CUP) — It’s second semester, first-year university Monday morning Jade Jordan drags herself out of bed and prepares for another long, difficult day of studying Then...

Who is Santa Claus?

We all know the gift-giving guy in red is based on Saint Nicholas, but how did he get from early Christian bishop to your local mall Here are some facts about the popular holiday...

The ‘Big Day’ in India

Whether religious or not, Christmas is celebrated by the majority of North Americans It is hard to ignore since immediately after Halloween, the Christmas sales seem to commence...

Hanukkah traditions instil hope

Hanukkah is the celebration of a series of miracles and Jewish identity It serves as inspiration for the Jews to embrace their religion — and the story is interesting The...

Kwanzaa’s cultural significance

Kwanzaa is an African American cultural celebration that, unlike many of the holidays over the next month, was created by Ron Karenga, an American university professor, political...